8 Things You Should Know About Your Baby’s Teeth

in #baby3 years ago (edited)

8 Things You Should Know About Your Baby’s Teeth.jpg

Baby teeth, also known as milk or temporary teeth, are the first set of teeth that a person develops. It’s crucial to understand that baby teeth are extremely susceptible to numerous dental problems. Gaining more knowledge about how to care for your child’s teeth will help reduce the risk of these problems developing.

Keep on reading to discover the eight things you should know about your child’s teeth.

1. When teeth come in

When looking at your child’s x-ray, you can be surprised to see all the teeth somewhat developed and positioned in the jaws waiting to erupt into the mouth. All babies have 20 teeth below their gum lines. These typically begin erupting between six months and a year. Most children develop their full set of teeth within the first three years of life. However, premature birth or low birth weight can delay this process by almost three additional years.

2. Teething signs and symptoms

Teething is an important stage in both babies’ and parents’ lives. As your children’s teeth start to erupt, they can get sleepless, irritable, and fussy. Teething can also cause your child to lose appetite and drool more than normal. However, symptoms like fever, rashes, and diarrhea cannot result from erupting teeth. If your child has any of these and continues to be uncomfortable, consult your doctor right away.

3. When to book the first dental appointment

Another milestone in your child’s first year is the growth of their teeth. The first appointment with a pediatric dentist should be scheduled right after their first tooth comes in and not later than their first birthday. Because milk teeth are extremely susceptible to cavities, starting dental checkups right after their appearance is the best preventative measure.

4. When to start brushing with toothpaste

Your child’s teeth become vulnerable to decay right after they come out. If you notice a few teeth peeking through your child’s gums, it’s time to start using a toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste. When shopping for baby oral care products, remember to look for ones with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

5. What amount of toothpaste to use

Your child’s teeth don’t need much to be cleaned. If your children are younger than 3 and can’t brush on their own, do this yourself two times a day using only a smear of toothpaste. If they’re older than 3, assist your children with brushing their teeth while using only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

6. When to start flossing

There’s no difference if you floss your baby’s teeth before or after brushing them. Just make sure to floss between any teeth that contact each other. Consider using child-friendly plastic flossing tools to clean your child’s teeth more effectively and safely.

7. Prevent baby bottle tooth decay

Baby bottle tooth decay typically occurs in the front teeth positioned in the upper jaw. The main cause of tooth decay in baby teeth is frequent and continuous contact with beverages that are high in acids and sugar. This contact occurs when a baby is allowed to sleep with a bottle or when a bottle is given to a child to suckle upon when they are fussy. To prevent this problem, simply put your baby to bed with a bottle that contains water rather than juice or milk.

8. Promote dental health with fluoride

When your child is thirsty, water is the best drink you can offer, especially if it’s fluoridated. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps stop or even reverse tooth decay by straightening the protective layer of teeth. The consumption of fluoridated water can reduce the risk of cavities by 25%. Contrarily, various sugary beverages stimulate the production of dissolving acids in your child’s mouth. These acids can damage the enamel, eventually resulting in decay and cavities.


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