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RE: Introducing myself

in #ayahuasca7 years ago

I see manipulation by a few accounts and a few players.

I've seen lots of real people most are nice.

I seen the usual BS pretty young girls with minor interest content attracting armies of bots so they get lots of trending spots.

It's social media so in a superficial world light fluff attracts more than content that makes people think.

Tell the masses of new accounts devoting too much time and energy here lost in the lie that content is the key here, that it's easy to jump to 35.

I did it in 4 days not 4 months or weeks since I found out real fast content means nothing here without rep and SP.

Easy enough to buy SP.

But rep is not coming from content, it's not coming from upvotes from the mass of plankton here, it comes from a tiny fraction of accounts willing to upvote new players who figure out intelligent comments on their content gets fast rep when the high rep players upvote you.

So that's the game, get upvotes from whales and dolphins.

Yet the disinfo says make content.

Content without rep and SP is a waste of time and energy.

So that's the real rules here, you need upvotes by the tiny fraction of players with rep and SP or you wasting energy here making content no one will ever see.

Anyone that can find can see how it works, upvoted by low rep new players gets no real reward.

So tell the new players how it works.

Now there's a ton of high sp accounts that are bots with no rep that do nothing but upvote high rep players making their content trend.

So I see the way it's being done.

Yes you got content but without rep and SP it won't trend unless a whale puts it into play.

This is the way it works here and to say something else is just misleading new players.

It's a game, that is manipulated by a few.


What chardzu said.

Marco is an active part of a large community of voluntaryists, agorists, anarchists, and other people basically following the same voluntaryist / liertarisn philosophy as most pioneers in the crypto sphere.

He simply has a good following on facesbook and other places, and we support him wholeheartedly.

Thanks for your concern on behalf of the steemit community, but you are wasting your time here with WOT's ranting at a guy that has done nothing fishy what so ever.

I kindly sugggest you take those rants where they are better suited. I'm sure they are needed.

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