Ascension News: The Light Has Won - My Awakening Story

I often share Steve Nobel's meditations with you. This is a bit of an interview where he discusses his 'awakenings'. I'd say my first one was 1968. One day nothing made sense anylonger. The old 'rule' book didn't apply, but there was no map beyond this point. I found myself getting 'core' shivvers hearing Age of Aquarius by the 5th Dimension = had no idea what that meant. Then 1987 I up and went back to college @ Cornell and got a business degree, graduated in 1990 and promptly took myself to Hawaii to learn Huna....what the heck was going on with me? I just kept following my intuition, my heart - and many of those 'steps' were contrary to accepted 'good' girl behaviors, in fact I kept realizing that everything in this world was, in fact, 180 degrees from Truth. There have been several 'dark nights' of the soul, but somehow KNEW from somewhere other than what I learned here that my only job was to Love more coming out of something trying than when I went into it. Two years ago I realized I was a 9th dimensional Starseed volunteer from Arcturus. I evidently raised my hand to come assist Earth/Humanity with their ascension because I'd done this before on Atlantis and Lemuria (that explained the Huna trip). Now it's happening, 'for reals" - The Light has won. We still have lots of 'work' to do for most are unaware of the awakening/ascension. It has been difficult for most humans because of so much misinformation for thousands of years. For each one it is like fighting you way back to the surface thru muddy waters with only your heart for directions all the while your human mind (ego) is fighting you tooth and nail. Let me assure you there is a Team in place ready, willing and capable of pointing the way for you, too, because we've carved our a path, we've been there, experienced it, and are now awake to assist you. Trust only your heart and your Intuition - not your mind. The Big U, God, Source is absolute Well Being and can be Trusted absolutely. It's time to 'go home' if you want to - we're bringing Heaven back to Earth as we once were. Love you all, each and every one. Humans are extraordinary and have a huge contribution yet to make in the Galaxy and our Universe. You have nothing to fear; nothing to worry about; and are loved beyond measure.

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