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RE: Autosteem Update 1.4 - Curation and Tracking the new 7 Day Payouts

in #autosteem7 years ago

@unipsycho - tried using the service.. put the private in copying and even tried typing it in.. verified time settings.. nothing... Shows that I voted but i go to the post no vote.. waited awhile still no change


hey sorry suymourbucks, not sure what is missing then. Just confirming its your private posting key you are using right? Should be all you need with your user name, I know its been weird to get started for many users, but many (including myself) are still using it daily as it is. Have you tried some manual votes just in the browser view or blog/photos views to see if they work and then confirm them on steemit or steemd?

just tried it. still a no go.. Used the private posting key... The filter works but votes still dont go through. Tried manual votes and still nothing in steemd

@unipsycho hmmm weird... doesnt work on my laptop but i set it up on my phone.. works fine.. same settings... :/ Oh well screw it I'll Work with it

I have this same problem, votes don't work for me, autovote and manual vote look like they're working on autosteem 1.4 then go to steemd or the page on steemit and there isn't any vote :c

managing to get manual vote to work on firefox, worked at 100% votes anyway but autovoting never worked, then got some clue that the 'maintain voting %' field in advanced filter has a minimum value of 20, anything lower than that will result in some blank field and thought it might be the cause of autovoting never actually working, but now I can't test that theory using 20 as minimum because the 100% votes drained me below 20, lol...

I really like the tool and interface for it, will be a shame if there's no way to actually use it

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