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RE: Autosteem Update 1.4 - Curation and Tracking the new 7 Day Payouts

in #autosteem7 years ago


Hi mate! Hope you are well. I have a problem where my mentions are not getting updated anymore. It was all setup and after I quite my browser and opened it again I haven't been getting mentions since... Any advice?

Tried entering my name and key again but no luck


You know what, I noticed mentions just seemed to stop for me to in the last week or so. I had some in there and they are gone as well. Sorry bout that, I'll have to dig into this sometime, as I don't know why it would be happeneing. As long as your name is in and showing your profiles fine, the mentions should be working, so either its a bug or something has changed in the library I use. Thanks for letting me know, not quite sure when I can take a look though. Been busy!~

@unipsycho Appreciate letting me know! Will find another way. Thanks so much for it. I am trying to figure out if I use @scrooger as the filter for comments if that will work. But after 500 comments it will disappear right? Any other way I could keep track of my mentions?

if you apply the comment filter to use your username as the only matching keyword, then it should look at all comments and keep 500 MATCHES, so you shouldn't loose any that way. Its only on comments though

Tested it after messaging you and it seems to go away after 500 comments have been made after it. Thanks though. Hope the problem can be sorted out. Really love that feature

OK, thanks. must be different than I can go by memory.

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