Automatic drawing: Birds


In addition to my previous automatic drawings, I also made two more on the train journey home. This is the first of those two. It is of a strange bird. @dana-varahi and I spend a lot of time watching birds in my garden, which has blackbirds, starlings, sparrows, dunnocks, robins, blue tits, chaffinches and wood pidgeons as its most frequent visitors.

Less frequently we see coal tits, great tits, green finches, bull finches, gold finches, goldcrests, wrens, collared doves, crows, jackdaws, fieldfares, redwings, wax wings and sparrowhawks. Gulls fly over a lot, and in certain seasons large wedges of hundreds of wild geese. Occasionally we see a red kite or buzzard. Grey herons can also be seen flying past on occasion.

My trip to Lincoln also involved seeing a lot of birds at the nature park. So these bird like forms appearing in my scribbles stems partly from this I imagine.

Previous automatic drawings from my visit to Lincoln:

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