authority addiction - flaws in our metaphors?

in #authority7 years ago


Immutable laws of nature allow both complex feats of engineering and even more sophisticated organisms to come into existence.

While synthetic structures will eventually erode, organisms, through procreation seem to have eluded such inconveniences. ( 3 cheers for procreation - no wonder we are so pre occupied with it lol)

The reason we can derive the rules that define math, chemistry and physics, is because nature is consistent.
(are these really seperate “fields", of course not, there are areas of delineation so that nerds can better obsess ha ha).

The reason we can create effective "spiritual practices", is because emotion, much of which is created by belief also operates consistently within and between domesticated organisms. That is to say, creatures that have advanced social structures, you know like herd, flock, school or pack animals.

The more threat we perceive, the more we will turn to our tribe for guidance and protection, such is the nature of emotion that, we will signal danger to them also.

In times of perceived danger, we both signal that danger to others and try to alleviate the experience of it.

No organism can stay at maximum fight/flight potential for long, it is too expensive on biological resources.
Endorphines, nuero-transmitters, hormones, both need to replenish and allow the body to recover, rebuild and respond to habitat as well as habit.

This is why we can't shut up when we are up-set and also why we use 10,000 different addictions to relieve tension or distract from its sources. (Yes its also why I write here nearly every day..touché)

These points that we touch lightly upon here are the basis of what I call psychobiology.

Thank you reading,



Hello :)) A person in an emotional state, unfortunately, can not be consistent. Therefore, he can learn the sequence only from nature. It's difficult. First you need to learn to see the perfection of nature, and then learn the correct perception and consistency.

Hello :)
Yes it is so difficult.

The emotional state that overrides everything is basically the pain and fear that comes from responding to a story that has a strong personal note to it.

If we are fortunate we have a friend who can remind us when we are taking things personally, and invite us to drop the story or to simply come back into our bodies through breathing and or mindful movement.

Talking is largely a waste of time, unless it really does help to question the validity of the story that has compromised our sense of...validity.

Rather than patching up the stories of how loved and valuable we are, I find it preferable to simply come out of story and all the confusing emotions, back into sensation of what simply is. Back into my biology, if am alive at least "that" is still working ha ha.

Is Nature that consistent? I don't believe it is. From our point of view nature looks that way, but probably because our time perspective is so brief, and also because our consciousness makes up for its lack of consistency. Reality as we understand it, isn't the smooth thing we have come to believe it is, even scientist have detected that "reality" happens many milliseconds before we become consciously aware of it. Even the damn speed of light has been clocked at all different speeds! Some speeds have been clocked at 300 times faster the "agreed" speed of light. Nothing is consistent, nothing is constant, it is the mind that makes it look that way. Biology, chemistry, all those science are nothing but ways of describing what really is NOT there, but we want to convince ourselves so badly it is. Cheers!

Interesting comments, thank you very much, love the challenge your presenting here, love your critical thinking and curiosity also !

Not all causes and effects are measurable. So the patterns we apply are always an assumption at best, because the causes and effects include everything.

Therefore both pattern and "law" are illusory

Which is funny because the main reason we think is to reach for patterns - (probably)

Which brings us back to the whole point (less) of the article. :)

Our best chance for Understanding is sensing lol..
The more we translate that "understanding" into language
the further we get from it.

Which makes all of my writing kind of silly really
Which is why laughter is so frigg'n awesome ha ha ha

Thanks !

my voting power is drained, will let it recharge before upvoting your comment.

Oh I remember now
What I meant be nature being consistent was that we are able to derive formulas and patterns from it.
Such as the engineering that allows all those incredible bridges buildings and highways that cut through Bangkok.

Or all the interconnected biology that is able to live, die and breed in a perpetual evolution. That happens because of the way energy behaves - even the quantum is consistent in its seemingly inconsistency.

Perhaps the speed of light is changing, I would not know, but the buildings are not suddenly falling over or floating of into space because of that.

Plus I strongly disagree with nature being perfect. I know you didn't say that, but everyone else in the comment is. Nature is. It needs no adjectives. Even that which is artificial is still natural, why? Because it happens within the context of Nature. Humans are part of nature. We modify stuff in nature. We use materials that are part of nature. Nothing therefore is artificial. Lets keep rolling until destrcction, which is probably the only certainty of nature.

In the world of Form, cause and effect do influence suffering and abundance - though as we know these are states of perception that move emotion. They are still greatly influenced by form, particularly the form our bodies take - as you deeply understand :)

Nature moves to its own rhythms
Our structures, both physical and cultural exist to benefit from interrupting those rhythms - how gracefully we do that does influence the amount of choice that we and others have, the amount of fear they are likely to experience.

In any single time slice - all form is perfect, simply because it already is. To disagree with that perfection is to be at war with reality. Even this has a certain perfection to it, as it may lead us back to acceptance and reality lol..

To choose graceful actions that create minimal fear, would be my choice, even when hunting for meat and fat. interestingly such motion would arise more from presence than from mind, more from embodied skill than from memorised head only knowledge.

hope my words are not too boring, silence is often preferable ha ha :)

Not boring at all. I like that you don't diverge from subjects as much as I do. I have so many trains of thoughts I take forever to explore any one subject deeply enough. :)

i read your photo is the best art photo.nice creativity.@freemoceanisnow

Nature is perfect has the ability to reediseñarse, is a perfect mechanism of adaptation to the environment-the environment where living beings unfold, is wonderful creation in all its fasetas.Alabanzas for our Creator. Thanks for such a good post.

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