Sort of like a " heads-up " Memo . . .

in #australia7 years ago (edited)

From an Australian Citizen to the

Australian Prime Minister;

Mister Malcolm Turnbull...

I am sure you are busy,

So . . .

Are you going to send all those illegal boat people back home or keep them locked in cages forever ?

What is your " Grand Plan " ?

Personally, here is my suggestion...

Give them ten days of small boat handling or if they come from a ' land-locked ' country;
ten days of parachute training...

Simply give them a small boat or parachute and ship or drop them back home.

THAT would not be unlawful as is the way the Australian Government
currently violates the " spirit " of ' International Law ' when
Australia locks these people up in cages like animals.

Simply give anyone aged 13 years a parachute and drop them into a lake
within their nations borders.

Or drop them off a small boat in international waters with a compass and food and water.

Anyone who cannot swim, parachute them into their Country and give their
home government the co-ordinates of where to send the ambulances, when you invoice them the
" shipping-costs " for the expenses of shipping their Citizens back to their place of Citizenship.

If these Countries " want " to ' shoot-down ' an Australian military aircraft,
diplomatically just explain to them they would be shooting down their own Citizens.

Just explain that shooting down an Australian MILITARY plane (who they KNOW )
is simply " returning " their own Citizens; then Australia will simply consider that an Act Of War.

Then they can expect some regular visits by Australian SAS Special Forces . . .
The SAS are among the most elite fighting Military in the World.

If anyone of the Citizens is under 12 then they get a kool " tandem " ' sky-dive '
with an Australian Commando who can simply hitch-hike their way back to the local airport...

Ensure all boats and parachutes have a " return to sender " label firmly affixed.

The Illegal immigrants are not Australia's problem; give them ten days to
determine their refugee status.

Ten days is all they get and at the end of it, if the " paperwork " is not ' done ',
that is NOT Australia's problem . . .

There are legal normal ways for people to lawfully live in Australia.

The illegals are foreign invaders and a clear security risk; get them the
FLICK out of Australia, what exactly do you actually DO Mister
Australian Prime Minister ?

Did you not VOLUNTEER to run Australia
and then VOLUNTEER to keep Australia SAFE
when you took your " Oath " of Office ?

Or was that simply just another PR photo opportunity,
do your damn job . . .

Ship them BACK Home COD.

NONE of that is UNlawful under International Law.

Putting these people in cages forever iS unlawful under International Law.


So what you going to do Mister Malcolm Turnbull ?

If your like most professional politicians; probably not much
unless there is a Photo Opportunity in it for you !

I know you are busy and its even the weekend,
I will give your staff three days to get back to me.

3 days ? , ok I will be gracious and give you 99 hours . . .

GUESS what I have planned for you after that

Mister Australian
Prime Minster
Malcolm Turnbull.

I will give you a " hint " it involves you and a ' cage '...

Have a Nice Weekend;

Cheers . . .

You will note, I never called you " Mate " . . .

/ Hugz ;)

[ oh yeah, the clock is ticking ; Dude ! ]

WAIT till you see what comes next...


I feel that way to about America but trump is trying , great steem!

I am an Australian ; the way it seems to me is THE ONLY ONE who is TRYING is President Trump !

Personally the rest of them seem to be on some sort of Platinum Level " working for welfare " paid job program . . .

Why do these professional ' trust fund babies ' politicians simply pick emotional issues for the press coverage and then " do " not much of anything ?

I am an Aussie, to me the answer is simple . . .

Walmart is NOT hiring...

/ Hugz ;)

Exactly! Hugs to you my friend 😊

LoL wait till you see what happens on the 06th of July !

nothing like violence or anything; I feel the need to point that out in this krazy modern world.

If you want a hint to a tiny part of my plan you can



the 06th of July is a major play by me on the MONEY markets ! ! !

Trust me; it is going to be a GAS :)

. . .

/Hugz ;)

Guest! I'll check it out😁


not sure if you are gonna love it or hate :)

but that's not my problem ;)

Love u !

LoL . . .

/ Hugz ;)

I flaged you

  1. This people are desperate they have no home anymore or your people also came with a boat
    there are a lot of aborigine they want to give you a parashute threaten anybody who don't agree with your idea

I'm sorry to inform you that you've been flagged by another user (not me! I'm just a helpful bot keeping you informed. Please upvote this comment if you appreciate it.)

Double FALG on YOU !

LoL :)

/ Hugz ;)


NOTHING Personal, Steemit Rank # 25 . . .

Welcome to Steemit.

Do you have an # introduceyouself blog post ?

You are " followed "...

Again, Welcome !

LoL :)

/ Hugz ;)

It is people like you who make Steemit GREAT ! ! !

BTW, I am ME ;)

One of triplets = me, myself and I :)

If you run out of arguments
You try to bully

LoL ;

Love ewe 2 :)

/ Hugz ;)

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Nice RoBOT . . .

crok 60 · 3 hours ago
LoL well I am not a Snob, if a RoBOT wants to talk to me, I am happy to reply ! ! !
Hello Bot, are you all " oiled up " ? :)
Anyways, thanks for saying Hello and PLEASE
Get your yourself " Juiced UP " ;) ! ! !
/ Hugz :)
may all your ' contacts ' be SAFE and CLEAN !
Have a Good One Mate . . .

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May your Power NEVER Surge ! ! ! :)

/ Hugz ;)

Have a nice Day, RoBOT !

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