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RE: Locks and Keys

in #audiocrying7 years ago (edited)

Grief waxes and wanes... and love takes on a different form.

Oh, your muse is a soft, beautiful soul, as observed by your words, your heartfelt words. Unwrap your heart so that it can breathe on its own again.

Taking this home with me to read again and again.


"Taking this home with me to read again and again."

You just made my heart swell with pride.
And my eyes well with tears.

Thank you Denise.

Oh, but there is nothing more seductive than words from the heart.

Well, for everything else, there is Victoria's Secret ;)

Full transparency!

tapes mouth shut

I've got all kinds of responses for that one, and none of them safe for publication. :D

That is fair. I did kind of walk into that one! 😲

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