Auction Finds - More Militaria (and a dangerous find!!!)

in #auction7 years ago

Anything related to the military makes a popular collectible, and the field is vast. We regularly pick up bits and pieces among the auction job lots. Sometimes though, an unwanted item sneaks in! More about that a little later!


Rhodesian General Service Medal and a 1980 Zimbabwe Independence Medal, numbered and named. I have these listed for R395. ($30).  

Military tin with buttons, insignia and a dog tag.


Gun cleaning set.



A few military photos.



Military souvenir ceramic tankards.


A large brass shell casing. People love to use them to store umbrellas, golf clubs, or walking sticks.


And old mortar shell. I briefly listed the 2 items above but had to remove them. There was nothing wrong with the listings, BUT we had purchased an additional item with the 2 above. I know somebody (as we tend to do) and had the third object checked out. This resulted in dire warnings of long term room and board at a correctional government facility, and/or alternatively a raid on the shop by a number of men in black and slavering dogs. We promptly packed the offending object back with the above 2 items above and sent it back to the auctioneer, who very quickly returned them to the original owner. 

Thank you for reading! Please follow me @onetree



The best part of the post for me are these vintage pictures! :)

I love old photos too, and have quite a few, but they are really poor sellers!

Ah i see! Wish you good luck with future sales!

LOL Yeah the long term free room and board is not a fun option LOL

Crazy old army gear. WoW

Hahaha, yes!

I had a Friend whose Daughter went to a Teenage party , the one Boy's uncle was a Recce and the boy took a Morta, brought it to the party , where the kids were fooling around with it . Some were killed , his Daughter had very severe burns over most of her body and died a while later.

This is a horrific story. I was very irritated that the person who sold this item did not take my warning seriously, probably as I am a woman. But I had it checked out by someone who knows....and the information I received was scary to say the least. I sell military items because they provide a good income, but honestly the glorification of the military makes me sick.

I have always thought that when a Politician has a Problem with another Politician( foreign) , they should make them both put on Gloves in a Neutral Ring. See how eager they are to cause trouble then?

Yes, exactly!

We once sent an old children's chemistry set to an auction as it was not in a condition to send to the shop. The person who bought it allowed his young children to play with it unsupervised, resulting in serious burns to a young girl's leg. I feel awful until today.

Terrible , but still, The Parents should have had more sense.

I know, but we also learned a hard lesson. I believe you should face your mistakes in order to correct them.

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