The Richat Structure: why I believe this is Atlantis

in #atlantis6 years ago (edited)


Of all the theories pointing us towards the location of Atlantis this is surely the most plausible. In so many ways it matches Plato's description of this great city, the most compelling of which I will list for you now, along with the reason why we can trust Plato's words.


The Richat Structure

Mauritania, Africa


Attracting attention since the earliest space missions this massive circular structure of rings (not visible from the ground) is also known as The Eye of the Sahara due to the way in which it resembles a pupil.

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The entire structure measures over 40km and was originally thought to be an impact crater but upon closer inspection it became clear this was not the case.


Today's explanation

Despite the reality that no one really knows for sure how such a structure could have been formed naturally, today we are told on Wikipedia it is a deeply eroded geologic dome.

Look up geologic dome and you will find three possible explanations for their formation, all of which are complex and highly speculative.

From what I can tell they are suggesting it is something along the lines of giant bubbles of different types of molten rock pushing up from a central point in the ground.

It is worth noting there no other examples like this on Earth.



Born: 427 BC


In his published works the Critias & Timaeus dialogues he describes Atlantis and its surrounding area, even giving the date of its destruction.

His information came directly from the unpublished works of a decedent of his, a well respected Athenian statesman, lawmaker & poet.


Born: 640 BC

Particularly interested in the design of social systems he is regarded by some as the 'father of democracy'. Keen to learn as much as he could about the ancient cultures he visited Egypt where he was able to access the best historical records available. There he met an Egyptian high priest who translated hieroglyphs for him which described Atlantis, citing Egypt as once being a colony of this legendary island.

Solon documented the translation and it stayed in the family until Plato published it, some 200 years later.

Plato was a reputable philosopher and statesman and would not have risked his position by inventing a myth, especially when at that time, the hieroglyphs could have been verified first hand.

This tale about Atlantis, though strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon who was the wisest of the seven sages. Plato

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Time frame

Based on the date given by Solon & Plato, the destruction of Atlantis would have happened 11,600 years ago. This is significant because the date fits perfectly with the Younger Dryas period in which we know the climate changed rapidly, taking us back into an ice age.

We also know there was a huge comet impact at this time (based on chemicals found in ice core samples) potentially causing a tsunami of unimaginable proportions.


In a single day & night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea. Plato


Looking at these images it is possible to imagine how this area might have been blasted by water which then receded back to the ocean. Whatever happened, there can be no doubt it was massive and dramatic.

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Atlantis became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers. Plato

The water level would have been much higher back then and the proposed island of Atlantis would be the area we perceive as mountains today, so if there was a big tsunami and the water then receded, it would make sense that there would be a massive amount of mud left around Atlantis, making it inaccessible as Plato describes.


The key words upon which modern visions of Atlantis are built describe centric circles of water and land, specific in number.

There were alternate zones of sea and land, larger & smaller, encircling one another, there were two of land and three of water, which were turned as if with a lathe, each having its circumference equidistant every way from the center. Plato

He also described an isolated circle of land in the center.


As you can see Plato's description fits the Richat Structure perfectly.



The diameter of the second ring of land is mentioned by Plato as being 127 Stadia.

1 Stadia = 607ft, so the diameter would have been 23.49km

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The odds of this being chance are small.


Plato described a wall of tin and a wall of brass, encircling the main section.


Taking my research for this article beyond the two films I mention in my conclusion, I was curious to understand the strange colouring at the site.


Turns out this is the effect metal has on its surroundings when left to erode for many years.

Check out the colour of the rock at this copper mine in Utah.

Bingham Copper Mine Postcard Hal Rumel No Date.jpg

Could it be that the blue colouring at the Richat structure is a result of the tin and brass walls which have spent the last 11,600 years dissolving into the ground?

Surrounding area

Plato described it as a lush land, which the Sahara desert is known to have once been.

The surrounding mountains of the city flowed with rivers. Plato

It is easy to see from this image where rivers used to flow down the mountains towards the structure.

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The mountains of the island of Atlantis were celebrated for their number and their size and their beauty. Plato

Try to imagine what this must have looked like when it was lush and green, countless waterfalls cascading down those mountain cliffs which almost completely surround the structure. Would have been pretty spectacular.


Plato said that the city of Atlantis opened up to the sea at the south, which this structure does. Beneath you can see clearly where that opening would have been.

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He also described the orientation:

This part of the island looked toward the south and was sheltered from the north. Plato

Another perfect match.

The country immediately surrounding Atlantis was a level plane, itself surrounded by mountains which descended toward the sea. Plato

Again, one only has to look at google earth to see the vast level plane around this double layer of mountains.

Water features

A well near the central acropolis provided the city with fresh water. Plato

Wouldn't you know it, there is a fresh water well at the centre which is still in use today, despite all other wells across this region of Mauritania producing salt water. A fact which further confirms how this site once met the sea.


In conclusion

It is interesting that Wikipedia doesn't once mention Atlantis on their Richat Structure page, nor do they mention the structure on the Atlantis page. Almost as if they are trying to keep people from making the connection?

This information has been around since 2011 when a team of people came up with most of what I have told you. They made a film and put it out there, but for one reason or another it has been seen by very few people.

You can see it in chapters here or if you are looking for something more recent, a popular YouTube user Bright Insight ten days ago made this summary which is currently taking the internet by storm (fast approaching 2M views), because let's face it, this subject seems to instinctively touch a chord with so many of us.

Atlantis was real and of all its proposed locations this one ticks so many of the boxes, it must surely be the genuine article.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



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Great article!

Why not mark this location on Google earth as "Lost City of Atlantis" and put the website link op to this article!?

If I only knew how to do that?

Would you be able to do it for me???

I've also never done that, gona try it at least!

This is one I have not yet seen and as you may know I have seen every episode of Ancient Aliens and Giorgio's spin off where he searched for Atlantis, he found a Mediterranean island that was also a pretty compelling candidate but I can't remember right now which one it was.

Bright Insight's youtube channel is full of great stuff... for when the Ancient Alien episodes run out ;)

Hey! Thanks for the thought-provoking post. In my opinion, since Plato said that Atlantis was located beyond the Straight of Gilbralter (from his home in Greece), its location would have to be more north west than your proposed site. See this map:
That's where I have always pictured it. Have the earth's plates moved that much in 11,000 years? I don't know anything about that.
What are your thoughts?

Hey there! Thanks for reading :)

I would be interested to see Plato's exact wording relating to location. To say that something is 'beyond' something else sounds quite ambiguous. Mauritania is still only accessible by sea by traveling through the Straight. See what I mean?

Agreed. Plato's description of it being beyond that famous land mark still works. They would have definitely sailed through there.

A bit of archeological digging might provide great support for this theory. I'll see if I can dig any up (pun intended =p).


I would be interested to hear if you find anything. I couldn't see much of any significance and imagined the digging is yet to be done. Perhaps when the theory goes mainstream there will be a more concerted effort to excavate this area.

The physical description and diameter alone are pretty compelling. Also, thanks for the link to Bright Insight, as I am really binging on his videos. I find a great deal of accord between his analysis of history and my own.


I saw the bright insight video. Looks like the most likely spot I’ve seen. Hollywood has really helped keep Atlantis in peoples minds

Bright Insight made it seem pretty persuading hey ;)

Ya & lack of any other potential sight

I saw a video on this on youtube. Boy, my eyes were glued to the screen! Thank you for posting this!

I saw the same thing. And then also watched the documentary from 2011 he was getting his info from. This subject has me completely hooked ;)

I don't care what anyone says, I am a believer in Atlantis!

I saw a video on this a few days ago, it seems very likely to be Atlantis.

It was that video which inspired me to write this post. Am guessing a bunch of us saw it!

Just wanted to make sure this news was immortalised on the Steem blockchain ;)

That is an interesting theory. I will have a watch of the videos.

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to Steemit ;)

Wow.. This is a full page of Atlas. I want to believe that this structures exists now. And nothing should happen to it again because it study avenue in the near future if it is not now. though it disappearance was a mystery.

No mystery. There was a flood across the earth. All religions speak of it.

This is funny, behause my son talked to me about this only yesterday. So know I have some more background for his thesis, thanks!

Excellent to hear this! Your son sounds wise :)

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