My problem with most atheist.

in #atheism6 years ago

     As an atheist I do not have an issue with atheism there is nothing really about it because atheism is just no gods or religion. My problems come with many other atheist I see speak or write. A lot of atheist were former theist in some sense and most of them hold on to their religiosity. They may not believe in a supernatural god anymore but they seem to have replace that god with another. This god most atheist seem to worship? It is the STATE. I watch other atheist and read their articles. The common theme is statism they need something to worship and the state works well. The state is very real and very violent. As an atheist and an anarchist I believe in no gods no masters but that is rare trait with other atheist. Many other atheist seem to need a god, master or some authority figure maybe that is human nature or a product of society. All theist need that god and most are statist as well wanting their beliefs enforced on others through a god a very real god the state. A true atheist has no god and that includes a state. Atheist should be for freedom and that is a rejection of all religions including statism.


I too am an atheist I was expecting you to say science 🔬 is the modern atheists new religion. Generally in Australia in the group I am involved with atheism isn’t a cause or something to fight for or convince people to believe. It is more like the rational conclusion you expect every adult to arrive at. I am also an Asanta and Aesterbunnyerist, but I don’t care to argue with anyone about those topics.

Ps could you give a specific example about the state religion because I haven really experienced it.

Most my experience has been in atheist groups on Facebook when topics like gun control, taxes, healthcare among others where the majority of commenters believe the state needs to be involved. Also a few of the top Youtubers every time a event like the shooting yesterday they go demanding the state take action. I can go through some facebook post and screenshot examples.

Most real atheist like yourself (to the state) are living more according to christian values then the christians who say they are christians, do.
Get it ;)

Most christians I know are fairly statist as well. Doesn't help I have a lot of social conservative republican relatives lol.

Have you tried, message to the voting cattle from larken rose. lol

I'll have to look into that I've share plenty from Larken Rose but with the social conservatives they are usually triggered by him and use the term liberal as an insult especially when he speaks about law enforcement.

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