Two asteroids will come past this weekend; one will pass closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit!

in #astronomy6 years ago (edited)

Two asteroids will pass close to us this weekend, DUCK, ROFLOL! Not to worry, the will both miss us! BUT, the one the size of a plane will come inside the orbit of the moon, and that is a little close for me !

picture from pixabay:

That pass will be on Sunday, and the video will show you how to watch. It is supposed to be a good show!

Sort: would explode in the atmosphere and be like the one in Chelyabinsk a couple years ago, and break a few windows.

Depends on the composition. If it is an Iron core; she would stay in a one piece meteorite, and OUCH! The Chelyabinsk meteor was undoubtedly an aggregate, and the heat caused internal gasses to build to a high level, and blow up the looser bonding. Then the smaller pieces burned up.

They are fascinating, because they are always a pig in a poke, you never know what you will get, until they are HERE, ROFLOL!


You mean, "they's like a box 'u cho-CO-lets?

Here's your chocolates, but I ate a few....

I loved that movie! He was a pure soul, and those are special; even if they ride the short bus, ROLFOL!


Indeed. On my top 10 list, for sure....

I re-watched it a couple of months ago, ROFLOL! Nice movie for sure. Then I watched Apollo 13, he is a good actor!


He is good...but he's not truth teller. (That's why I like Mel Gibson...)

Mel Gibson is a Class act for sure, the rest are just actors! I LOVED Hacksaw Ridge, he is a great director too!


Even one the size of a plane cold wreck us. Whoa!

Yes it could, I am very glad it will miss us too, that would be BAD! But coming inside the orbit of the Moon is WAY too close to suit me!

I hope they get some good pictures!


Yeah right! That is pretty dang close!

Close enough to DUCK, ROFLOL! I am glad they are watching closely! Lets me sleep better at night.


What is kind of crazy is to think about all the weird (alien) materials that could be a part of an asteroid.

They have long talked about grabbing asteroids for material, and processing them using solar power. I would LOVE to be involved with that!

Yeah that would be pretty neat!

The only cost would be fuel, and that can be made from the ice in the debris. You could also harvest the space junk in L.E.O. and process it too.

The manufacturing in zero G would be a real advantage.You could make perfect bearings, without grinding. Grow flawless crystals for semiconductor substrates, cast mono-crystalline high strength metal parts.


All really good points there. Have you ever heard of Asgardia The Space Nation? They are doing some pretty cool stuff!

Interesting, there are only two things that bother me:

  1. I never liked a democracy format, I would prefer a Republic.
  2. The French are involved, and their engineers are sub standard.

That said, I like the concept and think it would be fun.!


Congrats in the runner up position in the EL !
Janton is to good but your 36503 is like WOW!
Whats your secret? GREETZ from Britt In Holland

Dachshunds hold me down, and make me blog, ROFLOL! @janton Is a tough target for sure , but this is all for fun.

Daddie's crowded lap.jpg

He got me started in this engagement league, but he is more dedicated than I am I guess.


Two dachshunds we have to gordon setters !

I like setters, and yours are black and tan? Setters are real sweet. I have seen black, golden, and red, but that is all I have managed to pet.

These guys are my co-bloggers. If I try to get up, they groan, ROFLOL! Very effective. I actually have three, and two are rescues.




Meet Charlie and Joey 4 y and 8 months great company and Our babies next to Our 4 kids

HI Charlie and Joey! Momma will get you a treat, because you are so very cute! They are beautiful dog; and are very good company, I am sure!

Our three are our kids now, since my two actual kids have moved out and are doing well in their own homes. WE have one Grandson, and many grand dogs, ROFLOL!


Time to get our laser guns ready so we can all try to obliterate it together. Wait, we're not in Star Wars. Never mind.

Dang, I already fired, ROFLOL! But I guess the laser pointer won't hurt it much at that...Trust the force, Luke, No Wait, where is my light sabre?


Trust the force, Luke, No Wait, where is my light sabre?

Ha ha, I wondered if that ever happened. Those Jedis always seemed like they magically could keep track of their stuff. Apparently it's because they're connected to the whole universe or something.

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side."

Interesting, But I have carried a pistol every day for fifteen years, and never lost it once. BUT, I would like a light saber.... :)

I have wondered what would happen if you substituted a couple of blasters for bug bore handguns. The storm troopers armor is shielding for energy pulses, but I bet a heavy pistol would really mess them up.

You can't tune their armor for both, so mixing in both new and old would make life more dangerous....


That's good you haven't lost your pistol. They can be dangerous to anyone in the wrong hands. In the right hands, they're only dangerous to the wrong people. You follow all that? :)

The armor the stormtroopers wear doesn't seem to do much. A simple blaster bolt will kill them through it. So what's the point of wearing it if the most basic weapon penetrates? Seems like it should provide more protection.

Kinetic shielding and energy shielding would be difficult to do at the same time.

I practice so that it is dangerous to the one that I have decided need to be the object of defensive danger. I have pulled it one (he never knew) to get it ready to stop a fool; but fortunately he changed his mind and lived. I have a semi-automatic small enough that I can palm it to the ready position!

I have carried it 15 years, and never needed it. I pray I never do. BUT, If I need it, I intend to Have it with me!

It would be tough to combine the two, Kinetic goes one direction, energy an entirely different. They are very unlike!

You would think that a troopers armor would be made to resist the weapon used by their enemy as their primary weapon!


That's good you haven't had to use your gun. Hopefully you never need to.

Yes, I think that the Empire would have done a lot better if they had simply decided to use armor that could stop blasters. Or they could have just sent the troopers out without armor (like many of the Rebels) and they would have died just as quickly, but the Empire could have spent that money on other weapons and things to defeat the Rebels. I'm just saying...

White absorbs a lot, at least make it a mirror polish, that would be something, polished Titanium would be tough, light, and very reflective! Or like you said, do away with it, and use that money somewhere else.

I am thankful that I have never had to shoot my Concealed Carry, and I pray I never do! If I am forced, I will keep practicing to be as effective as possible.


howdy there sir smithlabs so I bet people are watching this like a hawk or maybe they don't care.

Active watching for sure! All near Earth passes are monitored carefully, and I hope they have a plan in place , just in case there is one that will be too close some day.


yeah we've been watching a silly show on tv about that scenario where an astroid is going to hit the earth, the methods planned to reach it and throw it off course are interesting, probably couldn't work in real life though.

Yes, they always wait until the last possible second to do any course corrections. If you did it soon enough, a bottle rocket would be enough to move it away from Earth.

But delay, and a Saturn 5 will be way to small....


sir smithlabs..I don't get it. why does it matter when you hit the astroid?

A small force, over a long distance, is the same as a Huge force over a short distance. It is safer to use a small push early, because it won't break the asteroid apart. Push early, push often, ROFLOL!


ok, I don't understand why it would take a huge force over a short distance if it only takes a little force over a long distance but I doubt if I would understand your explanation either so I believe you! lol.

If you push something, and it starts moving a foot a minute; and you let it alone, in ten minutes it will move ten feet.

If you push the same object much harder, an it starts moving ten feet per minute; in one minute they will be in the same place!

Force over time, is a powerful tool!


I would have to agree on the "a little too close for comfort" thing... anything inside a million miles feels like a "near miss" to me.


Especially when there is no where to hide, ROFLOL! No mouse hole will work for that....

=^..^= Me-yow!

Two asteroids enter a Bar....


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