in #astronomy5 years ago (edited)

20190718 Colour of LOVE Token SEX native small LOGO SPACE EXPLORER token ARIAL Steemengine Werbung free universe 2019 gold.jpg

New Logo of the COLOR OF LOVE TOKEN on Steemengine

Design and Copyright -

Dear friends of peace and freedom,

dear friends of love and happiness,

dear followers,

excuse me if the following statements about the SPACE EXPLORATION PROJECT is not written in perfect english and thank you in advance for your consideration. In front of reading this article take notice in this link about the cautonary forward looking statements.

On 20th july 2019 - at 20:17:40 (UTC) - 50 years after the first step of a man on the moon - the DEEP SPACE EXPLORATION PROJECT TOKEN - called COLOR OF LOVE will start on the steemengine with a space drop wall of 100 SEX Token at the steemengine and with a fixed price offer for 21 hours and 36 minutes at 100 million steem per SEX Token unit - similiar to the duration of the landing on the moon 50 years ago. So this initial public offering will only last until sunday 17:54 p.m. (UTC).


Only 2 day and 8 hours and a few minutes from now until the SEX-SPACE PROJECT will start its going public in the background of the beginng space age.

Be the first owner of a part of this historic moment, when the COLOR OF LOVE of the Deep Space Exploration Project starts its IPO of the SEX-Token. Be a member of first humans who support a new era of mankind in space and propably you get some rewards of deep space operations, if such a token will be accepted by NASA or ROS COSMOS or other space agencies for the transport of information to the stars and new worlds.

The pre market offer at present is 1 million steem bid versus 1 billion steem ask.

Note that the transport a gallon of space water costs meanwhile around 40000 USD per gallon - this is around 200000 steem per gallon - non regarding the longterm future inflation process of steem.

It is possible that the demand for future deep space operations of human kind is able to increase the demand of SEX Token for deep space operations of human kind in the steem engine - and who knows, propably even in the future of mankind LOVE and SEX will be the most valuable token in the endless universe.

The going public of the SEX on 20th july is one small step for men, one giant leap for mankind...

This operation and this step into the space age on steem has been developed by the JANASILVER LOVE PROJECT who is the emittent of this new magnificient UPVOTE CURATION REWARD Token. The Council of LOVE is thinking that the message of LOVE, peace and freedom should be further transported into the vastness of universe and beyond...

As soon as you own 100 SEX units of the SEX-Token you can convert them into LOVE Unit. But note - it is important to know , if you decide to do so - to press the SEND SEX button to the JANASILVER Project and convert your SEX into LOVE - then there is no way back to the SEX-UNIVERSE, because LOVE is the highest value of life in space.

The Space Explorer Commision of the SEX-project will monitor all Deep Space Operations of the market on the steemengine carefully and will be part of the future decisions in the universe of SEX-operations.

Feel free to be a member of this project and its message of a free universe and love to all life in the deep space and support it by acquisition on the steemenginge with start on the public offering at saturday 20:17:40 UTC (22:17:40 MEST).

Write history in which you buy the first 10 nanoSEX units in the premarket period on the steemengine and make the first transaction of the SEX universe for only 1 billion steem per SEX-Token on the steemengine.

Pale blue dot - the Color of Love Token enters the Universe...

The magic of the planet earth in the endless vastness of space is the color of love represented by the blue origin of watercolours, clouds and the magic reflections of light of the oceans and the land on this beautiful planet. This small pale blue dot - this paradise in the universe is propably at present the only living planet in our galaxy. So it is very important for the future of mankind to protect freedom, love and peace on this planet and even in the universe.

With love, freedom and peace mankind will be able to create new atmospheres in the deep space and and new valueable worlds of life on present dead planets in our solarsystem and beyond...

Embedded in the life spending energy of our sun I decided to create a logo the SEX TOKEN using a picture of the earthrise seen from the moon in front of a total solar eclipse - representing the magic connection between life, love and the energy of the colours of love of the sun and the planet earth in our solar system - our basis of future developments for the next generations of mankind.



ICO (Initial Coin Offering): 50th anniversary of moon landing - Start of the ICO: 20. july 2019 - 20:17:40 UTC (22:17:40 MEST)

DURATION OF THE ICO/SPACEDROP WALL: 21 hours 36 Minutes - End of SPACEDROP WALL 21 July 2019 - 17:54 UTC (19:54 MEST)


Symbol: SEX
Offer: 100 SEX/LOVE = 100 Million STEEM per SEX Token

Decimal: 8 - minimal units tradeable is 0.00000001 SEX

Circulating: 1000 SEX

Supply: 1000 SEX

Total: 999 999 999 985 Tokens (=greenshoe for the universe)

bid/ask 1 Million Steem/SEX to 1billion Steem/SEX

First Trade: pre market possible at 1000000000 Steem/SEX

Investment units:

0.00000001 SEX = 10 Nano SEX
0.000001 SEX = 1000 Nano SEX = 1 Mikro LOVE = 0.000001 LOVE = 1 Mikro LOVE
0.001 SEX = 1000000 Nano SEX = 1 mSEX = 0.000010 LOVE = 10 Mikro LOVE
0.01 SEX = 10000 Mikro SEX = 0.0001 LOVE = 100 Mikro LOVE
0.1 SEX = 1 Dezi SEX = 100 000 Mikro SEX = 0.001 LOVE = 1 mLOVE
1 SEX = 10 Dezi SEX = 100 Centi SEX = 1 000 000 Mikro SEX = 0.01 LOVE : 1 Centi LOVE
10 SEX = 0.1 LOVE = 1 Dezi LOVE
100 SEX = 1 LOVE

Target/Usage: Tranportation of the message of LOVE, peace and freedom within deep space exploration operations our solar system and the universe.

This project is initiated by the JANASILVER LOVE Community.

Feel free to join and support the COLOR OF LOVE - SPACE EXPORATION PROJECT.


New Logo of the JANASILVER LOVE TOKEN on Steemengine

Copyright -

Hinweis auf mögliche Interessenkonflikte:

Der Autor dieses Beitrages ist Herausgeber des JANASILVER LOVE TOKENS und als Steemian ebenso im Besitz von Steem, SBD und Steempower und SEX Token. Dadurch besteht die Möglichkeit eines Interessnkonfliktes. Der JANASILVER LOVE TOKEN besitzt wie auch der SEX TOKEN gegenwärtig keinen inneren Wert, zumindest nicht mehr als jenen, welche der freie Markt dem TOKEN zuweist. Der SEX Token ist ein Satire- und Dankeschön Token ohne Anspruch auf irgendeine Geldfunktion.


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