Re-evaluating the Star of Bethlehem, Part 4: "The Sceptre shall not depart ... from between his feet, until Shiloh comes" (featuring @vuyusile as author)

in #astronomy8 years ago

In Part 3 we saw how the conjunction of 12 August 3BCE fulfils the condition of a star arising out of Jacob (Leo).

However, it is easy for us, looking backward, to find the key events, with an idea of what to look for. It would have been much harder for a person looking on expectantly to have known which Jupiter/Venus conjunction would be relevant. It would be like looking for the veritable needle in the haystack.

Unless …

Recall that in the prophecy in Numbers 24: 17 it was stated that “there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel”; and in Genesis 49: 12 it was stated “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come.” Reading these prophecies together literally suggests that a sceptre would arise, or become manifest, and not depart, before the Messiah had come.

We found both Jacob and the Virgin represented by constellations in the night sky. Is there a representation of a sceptre in the constellations or planetary interactions in the heavens that might speak to this prophecy?

A sceptre is traditionally regarded as a staff signifying authority. In the powerful empires whose traditions dominated life during the time we are investigating, the sceptre was a straight staff often depicted with a ball on its head (See ).

enter image description here

This image is easily suggested by a full moon, with aligned planets along the ecliptic plain: the full moon is the ball, the staff joining the planetary dots. The full moon engulfs the light of the night stars, accentuating the visibility of the "sceptre" above most other stars in the sky.

In the first Part of this series I pointed out how infrequent an occurrence it is to have all five planets visible in the night sky at the same time. Let’s look at that screen shot for 27 August 2016 again.

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Although all five planets are present in the sky, there is no full moon. But it had already joined in the fun on 17 August 2016. However, as can be seen from this image, the planets are badly out of alignment and the staff is as crooked as a lie.

enter image description here

Thus an occurrence of planetary alignment with all five planets in a relatively straight line at the same time is difficult to find.

Even harder to find is a sceptre where all the planets are aligned with the moon, AND the traversing superior planets (i.e. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) are located within a single constellation, that is to say within the 30 degree arc of the night sky, so that the sceptre can be said to be identified with that constellation.

To Illustrate: in the 200 years before the Common Era all five planets have been visible with a full moon on only five occasions.

  • On 10 July 167BCE a sceptre was visible as follows: a full moon in
    Capricorn; Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Mars, in Virgo, Venus and
    Mercury in Leo. However, this presentation does not have the superior planets in a single constellation.

  • On 10 June 167BCE a sceptre was visible as follows: a full moon in
    Sagittarius; Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Mars in Virgo with Venus
    and Mercury in Cancer. Again, this presentation does not have the superior planets in a single constellation.

  • On 29 November 47 BCE, the full moon was setting in Gemini, while
    Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Mercury were rising in Scorpio.
    However, as with our recent presentation, the arrangement of the
    planets is badly out of alignment. This instance accordingly also does
    not qualify.

  • On 3 February 44 BCE, the full moon was setting in Leo; Saturn was in
    Sagittarius while Venus, Mercury Jupiter and Mars were in Capricorn.
    The traversing planets were not in a single constellation, and this
    instance also does not qualify.

But on 13 May 26 BCE, and of absolute significance for this study, the full moon rose in the east, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were situated in Leo (with Regulus in line) near the zenith in the night sky, Venus was in Cancer and Mercury in Gemini shortly after the setting of the sun. This literally presented the sceptre in the sky, at the feet of the Lion.

enter image description here

The presentation of this sceptre is impressive in and of itself. But in the context of the scriptural references referred to above it presents as a literal fulfilment of the prophecy. This is because the sceptre lies literally at the feet of Leo. A sceptre is not naturally associated with a member of the animal kingdom, even if it is the regal lion. Nor is it immediately apparent why it should be left lying at the lion’s feet. This renders the observation of the sceptre all the more remarkable in the context of the scriptural prophecy: could Jacob have been providing a future nightspot of a strikingly literal astronomical event?!

Testing to see if a sceptre such as the one on 13 May 26 BCE had presented in Leo before this time requires complicated maths, beyond my expertise. Simply by conducting the observations, however, a tedious process as one can imagine, I have not found the Leo sceptre replicated in the 600 years prior to the birth of Christ, but given the tediousness of the exercise I am open to the possibility that I may have missed it. Even if it had preceded the presentation in 26 BCE, it would have had to produce the same set of other coincidences that are present in the sequence we are examining. Applying a subjective sense of the probabilities of this occurring, leaves me with little concern that it may have occurred within a relevant period before.

The next instance of a sceptre that had the traversing planets located within a single constellation occurred on 18 May 113CE, in Pisces.

enter image description here

The sceptre that manifested in Leo heralded an epoch. The next time that the sceptre would be visible and thus could be described as having departed the feet of Leo, was approximately 140 years later when it manifested in Pisces.

The presence of the sceptre may have been recognised by a believing astronomer familiar with the prophetic tradition of the Jews. It may have placed him/her on high alert, and may have centred their attention upon the potential advent of Shiloh.

A believing astronomer would be on the lookout for the star promised to arise in Leo. It has already been demonstrated that this may have occurred on 12 August 3BCE. The question arises whether the Leo appulse had occurred between 13 May 26BCE and 12 August 3BCE. The answer will tell us whether the event in question would have been regarded as noteworthy. The event must have been of sufficient importance to permit the wise men to declare that they had seen “his star” rising in the east.

An analysis of the Jupiter /Venus conjunctions where Jupiter is rising following the manifestation of the sceptre delivers the following results. On 2 November 24BCE the Venus/Jupiter conjunction occurred in Libra; On 18 April 19BCE in Pisces; on 29 October 13BCE in Virgo; on 27 January 9BCE in Capricorn; on 8 May 6BCE in Aries; on finally on 12 August 3BCE in Leo.

The identified Jupiter/Venus conjunction in Leo is thus the first presentation of “his star (rising) in the east” that followed the presentation of the sceptre at the feet of Leo.

Our discovery of the Jupiter/Venus appulse and ascension in Leo must not overshadow the five prior ascensions, however.

That is on account of the fact that each of these ascensions hold import for the mission of the Messiah.

enter image description here

  • Libra represents the Messiah’s role as Redeemer. Depicted by a pair
    of scales, the instrument anciently used to facilitate exchange, the
    Messiah is viewed as he who redeems or buys us back. Justice,
    judgment and mercy are the hallmarks of the exchange: “I will redeem
    you with a stretched out arm and with great judgments” (See Exodus 6:
    6; 13: 4) and with mercy (See Exodus 15: 13), the Lord declared; which is why the scales are often depicted as being held in the hands of blindfolded Justice.

enter image description here

  • Pisces’ connection with God’s followers is well established: the fish
    are at right angles to each other: the one pointing in the direction
    of the ecliptic, or path to (of) the sun (and representing the
    initiate, either upon that path, or prostrate); and the other,
    pointing upward to the North Pole (representing the priest who makes
    intercession). For this reason, among others (It is also frequently
    stated that the choice of the sign of the fish is on account of the
    claim that Christ was born at the commencement of the age of Pisces),
    the sign of the fish became an established symbol in the Christian
    period. The rising conjunction in Pisces signals the Messiah as the
    spiritual head and intercessor of His people. In the Christian era he would be designated the Great High Priest of the Church (see Hebrews 4: 14).

enter image description here

  • We have already considered what role Virgo played in the Messiah’s
    prophesied conception and birth.

enter image description here

  • Capricorn is identified as a goat wounded in its side. To the Old
    testament student this represents a deliberate comparison to the
    Hebrew rituals and sacrifices when the goat was slain on the Day of
    Atonement, for the sins of the nation (See Leviticus 16). On Yom
    Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Judaism, two goats (as opposed
    to lambs, and often presented as the antithesis of the lamb) where
    selected and presented at the tabernacle for sacrifice. A lot was
    cast for the purpose of selecting one of the goats that would be offered for the sins of the people, while the other goat (referred to as the
    scapegoat) would be placed under burden of all of the sins and
    transgressions of the people and would be led away carrying with it
    the sins of the nation, into a place where no-one lived, there to
    wonder and die. The metaphor for Christ, pierced in his side on the
    day when the atonement was effected is striking: Christ (the Son of
    the Father) and Barabbas (Lit: son of the father) stand accused of treason,
    the highest capital crime (rendering both accused men goats in the
    eyes of the judge). Barabbas is released and goes free, like the
    scapegoat, to the simultaneous cry of the high priests “His blood be
    upon us and upon our children” (See Matthew 27: 25) while Christ is
    slain for the sins of the world.

enter image description here

  • Aries or the Ram immediately takes our thoughts back to the ram
    caught in the thicket at the time of Abraham’s interrupted sacrifice
    of his son Isaac (see Genesis 22) the archetype of the Messianic
    sacrifice and a climax in the Abrahamic covenant: “and in thy seed
    shall all nations of the earth be blessed.” (see Genesis 22: 18).

Thus the sequence of rising Jupiter / Venus conjunctions is of immense importance in heralding the coming of the Messiah: we have signification for Messiah as the Redeemer, paying the price for reconciliation; Messiah as the great High Priest and intercessor; Messiah born of the Virgin through the condescension of God; Messiah to accomplish the atonement; Messiah, the sacrifice provided by God and in fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant; and finally, in Leo, Messiah as the promised King.

The six periods present for creation, in the last of which man was created, are repeated in the six messianically significant conjunctions that precede the creation of the perfect Man.

It is no wonder that, having patiently waited five earlier ascensions, and interpreting them for what they represented, the sixth ascension in Leo would have been greeted with great excitement.

The heraldic presence of the sceptre would have undoubtedly suggested significance for the Jupiter/Venus conjunction of 12 August 3BCE, but it is the fulfilment of a scripture in what is discussed next that would have underscored the significance of the events unfolding in the sequence we are examining.

Hope to see you again in Part 5: "The Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee".


Thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

Why was your kind words flagged?

Not sure who flagged it, and thanks for asking the question. Thanks @jlufer for your encouragement!

Very interesting read!

Thanks ! I know it is turning into something of a marathon, but I hope that when I have completed you will share some of the awe I feel at this astronomical sequence.
I have five more Parts to go:
Part 5: The Glory of the Lord is risen upon Thee, which deals with the significance of the retrograde motion of Jupiter over Regulus and Zaniah and the meaning of Isaiah 60: 1-3.
Part 6: The sign of the Virgin revisited: this proposes the appulse of 17 June 2BCE as the conception/incarnation date of Christ with a countdown of 10 lunar cycles to the all important start of Passover on 7 April 1BCE; and interprets Revelations 12: 1-5 as also a reference to an astronomic event.
Part 7: the Star went before the Wise Men, and stood over the place where the young child was. This proposes a solution to perhaps the most controversial aspect of the story: how a star “went before” the wise men. I attempt to show that it remains an astronomical feature, as it was recorded to have been.
Part 8: In the days of Herod the King. This deals with matters of chronology and the contested ground of dating the birth of Christ.
Part 9: Finale. In addition to a summation, this part will address implications of this study. It will also signal areas for future work.
Hope you remain interested.

Enjoying this series. The astronomy is so far over my head, but seeing the affirming interaction of the stars and the advent is super cool. Thanks for your work on this.

Thanks @anotherjoe. Your successive affirming comments mean a great deal to a relative novice who is writing about a challenging topic on a platform that is not always friendly (and that is as it should be). My fear is that the Parts are too long and difficult to follow, but I am not sure that I could do justice to the topic without putting up the astronomical knowledge that is necessary. Blogging may not be for material that belongs in book form, except in the case of serialised novels!
Please see my response to @team101 for a breakdown of what is still to come. Hope I can retain your interest!

Hi @gavvet,

I apologize that today is the today I am unfollowing you. I want you to know I appreciate what it is I truly believe you are trying to do here, however I disagree that after an extended period of time it is still necessary and has not resulted in exposure for these guest authors posting on their own.

I look forward to your ongoing work, will read and enjoy it when I find it. The action I choose to take going forward though is following the author you've promoted and rewarding their work when posted on their own.

This is not about you and your intentions... I just want more.

Hi @clevecross,
Sorry to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. :-(
I spent an hour reading your posts. You deserve more, definitely; and your suggestions for improving the platform are good ones. I have definitely benefited from exposure on the @gavvet brand, and this has given me exposure that most new entrants do not enjoy. That is an objective of the @gavvet featuring strategy. I hope I have not devalued it. I hope to finish this series there, if he will retain me, as that was the basis for my being featured to start with.
You will note that I will start posting on my own account shortly. I have a number of idea-strands that have been fomenting. Including on the barriers to entry that the present system has produced.

I enjoyed your work.... I just am not sure that this method is overall best for exposure. Wait, for exposure sure, but it seems it shouldn't be as required for exposure..... I may need to rethink a little. I know @gavvet has been very upfront about his goals and the funds..... I just want to see people able to have their quality of work noticed, and this type of program I am not entirely convinced is beneficial to the featured authors.

A lot of what you have written about resonates with me. I feel a little under qualified to have an opinion at this stage, being the relative noob that I am. My thinking is along the following lines.
If we accept as axiomatic that the objective is to grow the steem community, by rewarding content, then:

  1. The single greatest obstacle to retention of new signups is the irrelevance of their views. This occurs at two levels. Firstly, because they have no reputation score, exposure or track record, it will be the exception to the rule that the content of their post will be valued for its worth within the period that matters. Secondly, their curation inputs are relatively worthless (they have no SP). As a consequence, generations of new users must wait increase of their SP, which, unless money is invested, depends on their recognition. Its a vicious circle.
  2. Steemit rewarding systems are created to be stake based. The bigger one’s stake, the greater the influence - and hence the emergence of whales. Its a classical early adopter and capital accumulation type consequence.
  3. The present proposal underway (to reduce whale power) will not undo early adopter preferential position. Given the size of their headstart, the gap will only widen over time - perhaps not as fast. This does not speak to a retention of new entrants; it only appeases the consciences of those who have got out ahead first.
  4. If we are serious about attracting and retaining new entrants, we must make it more attractive by rewarding them directly. (participants that keep telling themselves that they remain on the site because they like to write, irrespective of the rewards, are administering a placebo. Rationally they should stay on reddit and Facebook.)
  5. This can be achieved through an incentive, e.g. rewards paid out after writing 5, 10 and 20 articles of longer than 500 words (30, 60, 90 comments/replies longer than 50 words); rewards being allocated when you reach 50, 100, 250, 500 up votes that are not bots; rewards for stimulating debate and commentary of 10/20/50 comments.
  6. Further, by opting for a system that gives new entrants a greater weighting in their curation roles. My up-votes currently count for nothing. Its pointless me reading critically for content. I can’t reward the author meaningfully.
  7. Put a ceiling on any single payout an article can earn. Say $500. Earnings above this are a windfall to the community that we all bask in by receiving an after-glow distribution of steempower, provided you have been active on your account in the last week.

I am still thinking through this, and am obviously alive to objections, both idealogical and practical. But capturing it here has been a start. Thanks for triggering that start!

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