The furthest object known to man! 🔭👀🌌

in #astronomy7 years ago



Last time I wrote about the biggest stars in our milky way.

Today I want to take you far far away, to the edge of the universe, we´ll take a look at the furthest object known so far. The furthest object is simultaneously the oldest object because the light we receive from it takes time to travel in distance. Actually if we look at such a distant object there are more factors playing a role, but for now we look at the simplified version of the story.

The object of our choice is a galaxy with the beautiful name “GN-z11“. As you can see it not only has a beautiful name, it also looks beautiful.
Indeed it´s one of the youngest galaxies we´re able to observe. It´s about 13,4 billion lightyears away and therefor that old.
The universe itself is around 13.8 billion years old, that makes GN-z11 a galaxy which formed shortly after the universe came into existance. That´s why we can not see a typical galactic structure within that object but rather an orderless structure.
Spiral galaxies, which are the common types of galaxies in the universe, started to form a couple of hundred million years later. You may know them from sparkly pictures on the web or elsewhere. This example here is the so called pinwheel galaxy (M101). Our milky way is a spiral galaxy too. Of course there are other types of galaxies as well, I´ll explain them to you in a future post.
For now let´s take a look where good old
GN-z11 came from.
In order to look at such great distances we need to have a telescope which gathers A LOT of light, either by size or by exposure time. We choose the latter, with the help of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field NASA was able to get an exposure time of 96+ hours. The outcome was an image with 10.000 galaxies on it. This was 2004. They took it a step further and created the Hubble Extreme Deep Field with an exposure time of 23 days, revealing another 5.000 galaxies of which one is GN-z11. In order to help you finding it follow the crosshair. I further encourage you to take a look at the HEDF in high resolution, zoom in, and wander around the galaxies! Great views! --> Follow the white rabbit!

Hope you enjoyed the show! Stay tuned for more quality content!


Always a fascinating topic. It exceeds my imagination most of the time when I think about that the points and light we see has actually already moved on. In this case, it took billion years to arrive on earth and so the object may look completely different nowadays.
I hope to read more of such topics from you in the future :-) it will not be bad for me to learn something new O:-)

Hey Mr Pe! Everything moves, everything rotates in the universe, we and our sun too, our milky way, it's crazy.. The universe itself maybe too?
GZ-n11 surely looks different today :-D
You'll get more from me and astronomy! See you

Oh I like your good karma trail! I will also get back to eSteem I guess. I abandoned it because of bad stability. Looks fine now though

please upvote my post and get small sbd

Sure thing!

Far out man, groovy! Don't dream it, Steemit!

thank you for dropping by @bigskykilroy
I do both. Dreaming it and steeming it ^^
see you around

You're welcome.

First of all it's a mystery name - GN-z11 and additional you gave short and interesting facts for all types of readers, for pros and for normal people. Thank you @ flurgx
Have a good time

Thank you for reading and commenting!
Heute hab ichs dann auch auf Deutsch übersetzt :-)

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