The future is steemit and dtube, it's written in the stars, here's why....

in #astrology7 years ago (edited)

Todays lunar eclipse, tells us alot about our place in the universe right now.

If your new to astrology please give me a chance, it might seem a be a bit wacky but your probably already aware of the moon’s effect, on the sea, women’s menstrual cycle and your sleep patterns, to name a few.
There are other unseen mysteries that effect our everyday life in this infinite and connected universe, but I’ll save these for another time.

First let me explain what the moon’s nodes are and how it effects us all energetically…

Todays lunar eclipse, tells us a lot about our place in the universe right now. The moon’s nodes highlight our past and present energy for a cycle that lasts about one and half years.

At the moment for the collective Leo is our North Node, this is the energy we are gravitating towards, we may have a burning desire to be more present in the world with that child like desire to fulfil our passions on a never ending journey.
After all Leo needs motion and not too much emotion which can hurt the lions heart, deeper than some of the other signs, because the Lion does not like its pride to get knocked. Leo is the Lions heart, a fire burning with passion. It is the leader of the pack, a teacher, their energy and generosity knows no limit. They are the centre stage, shining brightly like it’s planetary ruler the sun.

Aquarius is the water carrier, naturally a humanitarian, knowing and intellectual, ever evolving as they are constantly being shocked into a new perspective, a trait of its planetary ruler Uranus. It is the sign of the new age we are moving into. It rules new technology and connectivity yet from the detached perspective of their sterilised environment. This is most obvious with the invention of the internet, now we can connect and help each other like in no other time before, this is the service Aquarius has to offer, every one is included but able express themselves differently. Everyone can be famous and faceless all at the same time. Uranus will keep bringing new surprises digital advancements, like the rise of crypto currencies.

Aquarius is currently the south node past energy, it might seem weird as Aquarius energetically is very now! But what this short period of time is asking us to asess all we have learnt from the intellect of Aquarius, what is working and what doesn’t. For instance the movement away from big dominating platforms Youtube and Facebook to new revolutionary ones like steemit and dtube, where people can truly utilise their unique self and be recognised for it. like I mentioned before, Leo wants to be recognised for it efforts and not taken advantage of.

The full moon may highlight tensions in our own personal lives as well as on a collective level. Marking these natural occurrences helps us to reflect on our emotions ( the moon) in the physical plane. By looking at the past we can better create the future we all want individually and collectively.

Leo and Aquarius need the energy of each other, this is why they are intrinsically connected. We need solid ideas (Aquarius) so we can perform them on the stage (Leo), otherwise the performance may lack depth. But without the burning spark of passion that the lion gives us, the play may never happen.

Everything I talk about here is energetic. I’m not making generalisations about Leo or Aquarius people.

If you enjoyed this, stay tuned for more astrological reports and spiritual updates.

Thanks earthlings

▶️ DTube
▶️ IPFS!

Yes, for sure Steem is going up and old platform like Facebook are died, I was stopped use Facebook last year in August , I’m still using messenger but only for talk , but I like steemit , it’s more original content here than Facebook where I seen same clip for more times :(

I was fortune enough to witness the Solar Eclipse over North America (in Tennessee) last year, and let me tell you, it was a life changing event for me. It really put in prescriptive to me our place in this universe. Such and awesome event to witness. Thanks for the post!

the future of the steem block chain all together will change social media!

Thanks for the curiosity.

Great post. I totally get what you are saying as I am a Professional Astrologer too. Did you notice where Mercury was at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse? At 29.59 degrees Capricorn, ready to burst into Aquarius. I felt the shift coming and that's why I am new onto this platform. Incidentally the Eclipse hit my natal Leo Sun, so it has been a very important one for me. Definitely following you - you're a good writer...

bonita la playa

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Hi, I'm Capricorn, what would you say to me?

the truth is that I have never been too keen on the stars, but I suppose they will have their reason to be, it is true that they influence something, the moon for example seems to influence too much on the tides.

I would like above all to know why you know all those things, where it comes from that you know what each star does and why it influences in a way in each thing or being.

I feel this energy every day, it is very intense for me, some people don't notice it in quite the same way that's fine we are all different. I know alot about Capricorn, i have lived with one for 3 years, i can tell you alot about it but maybe only some would be true for you. it depends on your whole chart. I need your date of birth, birth place and time of birth. I'll tell you more, this reading is for free because you inspired me to do something (i keep it secret for now)

in secret? hahahahahaha but as if everything we write here will be visible and stored in the blockchain forever !?

my date of birth is January 8, 1975 and the time is not exactly but it was soon in an hour between 5 and 8 in the morning.

born in Barakaldo (Basque Country / Spain)

and those will be all the data from me here hahaha because I think there are too many data

Basque Country photo

8th jan is david bowie, elvis presley birthday mega stars, music before their time, and they made trends everyone else follows. capricorn climbs to the top of the mountain so it is visionary. I give you full report later. I think there is a way to message (altho im not sure its private ) steem chat but it is down. Do u still in live in Basque? so beautiful!

Necesito saber su hora exacta de nacimiento, si es posible. es diferente a las 5 a.m. o 8 a.m.

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