PSA: A message to "spam" bots and downvoting whales and other bullshit like that.

in #steemitabuse6 years ago

Fuck yourselves!

So tired of seeing people making bots and just generally participating in this SHITTY behavior here on steemit.

First of all, it's called a MUTE button. Learn what this is, before you go fuck yourself today.

I got a reply on one of my comments previously. It was from @spaminator. Apparently this idiot doesn't know about the MUTE button. Tired of people bullying people with the fact they've got more money than someone else. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean someone else wont. It's not your place to decide if that post reaches the masses or not. AT ALL.

You're forcing people to post things that YOU (and whatever little clique of losers who agree with your personal opinions) personally agree with, otherwise they suffer backlash and struggle at any chance of success in reaching the crowd that's meant for them. This is SUPPOSED to be a platform where you can do and post as you like, but people like you, who can't just hit the "mute" button on people's stuff you PERSONALLY don't want to see, are pieces of shit who think you're entitled to decide whether or not what someone else posts is "worthy" of being "allowed" to be displayed on steemit. People like you make me fucking sick. You're just like politicians and governments who believe they have a RIGHT to tell people what to do and say. Fuck yourself. Just because YOU don't enjoy memes or what you consider "useless" posts/info, doesn't mean someone else doesn't value it.

You need to get your heads out of your asses and the majority of you whales need to mind your own fucking business. If we wanted to be told what we can and can't post and what's allowed to be able to be seen by people, we would be on Facebook or some other heavily moderated social site run by a single person or small group. We came here for the freedom to post what we want. If you can't use the mute button, so you decide to get aggressive with people who's idea of value differs from yours, then you're a piece of shit.

Many people personally enjoy memes, myself included, I'd rather see a meme than one of your shitty fucking posts crying about there being content you don't like showing up in your feeds.. If I can't post what I want.. Am I just supposed to come here and read a bunch of posts I'm not going to even vote for? Because they're boring and stupid and some idiot's opinion on some matter?.. Or some random lady's fucking cat.. Or somebody's vacation.. Or these stupid as fuck "crypto analysis" bullshit posts that, to me, are complete spam and "useless" with NO value.. yet, I have to see it because a large amount of people upvote that stupid bullshit. Except I'm not a fucking prick like you people, I'm not going to sit there and downvote people just because I don't like what they've posted. I'll just hit mute. You should learn to too.

It's called live and let live.

As I said before, it's called the "mute" button. Stop being fucking losers and just ignore things you don't like. If "shitposts" are getting votes, it's because the people voting think it's worth it and that it's not "shit".. That's none of YOUR business, you fucking prick.

*Here it is, for those of you too stupid to find it... It's right next to the button you use to follow someone when you LIKE their content. It's the button intended to not show you any more content you DON'T LIKE. Flags are for offensive posts and racist/sexist/etc posts. Not for hiding things you don't personally enjoy seeing.

I think what it really is, is that you're fucking pathetic and jealous that "shitposts" actually make money when you invest time and effort into something that you THINK is valuable, when in reality, your post is no more valuable than another, it's all about perspective. You, and many others, get BUTTHURT about the fact that something that took someone a few SECONDS to post earns moderate to large amounts of money. How about grow up and stop using your wealth and bots for malicious purposes? Ok? Ok.


Look in the mirror Loser.
If you remove the Garbage that you’re spewing on my posts, I’ll remove my Flags on your pathetic content.

Before you threw a Hissy Fit, this “muting” is EXACTLY what I asked you to do and I would have done the same.
But your behavior on this platform has lost you so many options.

Clean up your little Shit Fit Fucker or you’ll have nothing to fall back on.

Keep acting like some sort of Psychotic Retard, and I ASSURE you, the Bots are the last thing you’ll have to worry about.


Fuck you @FrankBacon.
You're a fucking retard crybaby lmfao. Butthurt little bitch, just shut up already LOL jesus.

Awwww crybaby @FrankBacon rage downvoted me again.. Boo Hoo! HAHAHA get a life you fucking little dick, pathetic fucking loser. LOL

It's like you're hitting yourself in the face...
SICK really.

Are you that easily Triggered? God, what kind of trauma did you go through to turn into such a Wretch? You said you wanted fame, not money. So me and many others are going to make you famous and stop any rewards coming to this account...

OR... you could Stop being such a Spaz? Maybe?
Probably not.

You came to the wrong network to be a Dick.
Simply apologize, Delete your Posts about me, and I'll unflag and Mute you.

Or keep it up...
You'll probably keep it up.

That's what I was thinking about you.. LMFAO
You're such a fucking retard it's hilarious.
YOU started this, you inbred, cousin fucking piece of shit! LOL
Are you truly THAT retarded? XD
HAHAHAHA gotta love me some dipshit @FrankBacon! :))

Why would I apologize to a hypocritical faggot?
You are hating on me for doing shit that you do yourself you stupid fucking cunt. HAHAHA


I'm un Flagging your shit...
And muting your channel.
Good by.

You're the one who started shit @FrankBacon, you raged like the little pussy you are and started the aggression.


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