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RE: Birds Nest Fern - not just for the empty-nesters.

in #asplenium6 years ago

The Asplenium nidus is an epiphytic species known as the Bird's nest fern that roots itself to trees in it's natural habitat and warmer climates.From the range of ferns that can be grown indoors this plant has larger leaflets than most and gives that large full leaf foliage plant appearance.

Now I spend most of my time in Thailand I get to find all sorts of great indoor plants growing in the wild and within gardens. This A.nidus is growing in my neighbors garden attached to the tree in the picture (right of page).

Although a native to tropical regions - the A.nidus that roots itself on trees has adapted very well to growing in temperate regions as a house plant.

Two reasons it grows well under and attached to trees is because it receives the moisture (humidity) it requires and shade by taking cover from direct sunlight. Indoors we must also provide these humidity levels and provide enough light without direct sunlight to enable the plant to grow well and remain healthy.

How it looks: Ferns are quite an interesting group of plants to grow indoors because of the various types of fronds they display, so you could have three ferns in one room from the same class and genera that look kind of unrelated.

The Bird's nest differs from many in appearance because of it's spear like shaped leaves rather than feather or palm like fronds. The leaves (have a brown mid-rib and wavy margin) grow up to about 2ft long from a rosette of fronds where new leaves appear when the plant is producing new growth.

Displaying: While a plant is young and small it can be placed anywhere in a home or office with the correct conditions provided (light, etc.). Once it matures though, you'll need to provide enough space for the rosette of fronds to spread out over 2ft each side. A conservatory is best suited or a fairly large room once it does mature.

Care level: The two main conditions to provide well is enough humidity and to protect the leaves from direct sunlight (they become scorched), although some sunlight is ideal for them. If a person has sufficient living space and can follow the straight forward care instructions below, anyone can grow and maintain them.

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