AskSteemit #4: Have you ever acted on a gut feeling? How did it turn out?

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Hey everyone!

Of course with the question it doesn't just have to be about crypto trading/investing, although we know that those topics are still quite popular here on Steemit. Its more of a general question where you remember a point in your life where you weren't sure of the outcome of something and who you could trust and had to rely on your own "instincts" or "gut".

Having said that I myself could only think of crypto related stuff as I've been quite involved in this for the past 4 years.

I remember the day Ethereum started its crowdsale and sold 2000 Eth per Bitcoin which at the time was around $600. Which means 1 Ethereum was worth around 30 cents giving it a 100x increase to this day.

There was so much FUD and FOMO going around during that period it was crazy. The Bitcoin subreddit was of course censored as no altcoin discussion was allowed to take place there and most other subreddits were just deserted so you had to rely on information either from chats or bitcointalk which was the most popular forum at the time for cryptocurrencies. Even there though the altcoin sections weren't all that much moderated so they were spammed making any useful information as hard to find as it is nowadays to find quality original content posts in the "new" section on Steemit.

Worst part was that most people you had relied on this far to provide you with good information were conflicted. They were of course invested in Bitcoin and seeing as how Ethereum (which btw Vitalik Buterin wanted to create on top of Bitcoin at first) could be a competitor to it, you didn't know who to trust. Not only that but people were getting spammed in PM's on bitcointalk and Reddit, some messages were about how you should invest in Ethereum and how it will be revolutionary and do so much that Bitcoin can't, while others told you not to invest your precious Bitcoin in this outright scam as it was nothing but a moneygrab.

Image Source

I was still somewhat new in the altcoin world at this time and even though investing a little wouldn't hurt I decided to read up on its vision as much as possible and in the end just trust my own gut about it and placed half of the Bitcoin that I had at the time. Many would have called me crazy for that but in the long term it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Ever since then I have been researching and getting involved with more and more so called "altcoins" and have not regretted the low amount of Bitcoin I held all this time considering its low gains since then compared to the performance of altcoins.

Another time I had this gut feeling was also when I stumbled upon Steemit. Even though prices were in a decline for so long I started to understand that this is just normal for cryptocurrencies and decided to trust myself to hang on to it and not trust FUD outside and on the platform. :)

When was the last time you had to trust that feeling and how did it go?

I reward good discussions with higher votes and ignore spam comments. Please learn from this.

This is a really interesting one!

When I graduated college I moved to Berlin with 3 other guys from my architecture program. This move was entirely, 100% gut. We had almost no money, zero other friends or family there. We didn't even have an apartment lined up (that was dumb). Why did we decide on Berlin? The four of us wanted to create art and design on our terms and avoid falling into a typical firm (farm?) job that would inevitably churn us up and spit us back out. We craved an artistic environment where we could experiment and live affordably. Berlin was a creative Mecca in our eyes (and the only place artists were talking about 8 years ago).

We succeeded, failed, fought, earned, worked hard and ultimately we made a name for ourselves as Hither Yon. That time in Berlin strengthened and challenged my abilities as a designer. I apply every lesson learned through that experience to my work today. The collaborative mindset we used to create art also helped me see the potential of Steemit when I stumbled into here last July.

Shout out to those three fellas @hansikhouse, @erb, @arete.

You lived in berlin too I lived in Berlin for 4 years lol !

I am born in South Berlin but living the last 4 years in Mauritius damn I miss Berlin and going back there soon :))

How funny is that? I am also from South Berlin and I live for 4 years in Costa Rica. I am from Tempelhof and you? :D

Hey, and it is my birthday today. Just looking at the clock, lol.


Happy birthday @flauwy all the best for you!!!

I am from Marienfelde how funny is that I have good friends in Tempelhof. Are you back in Berlin?

I am still in Mauritius but next year going for a few month back to Berlin and then moving to San Diego CA my bro lives there and need my help with his business.

Thanks for the cool picture :)

Alt-Mariendorf to be precise. :)

Your bro lives in San Diego? Lol, I have a freind from Berlin who lives in San Diego as well. He sells Speed Minton stuff there.

Ich machs mal jetzt auf deutsch das ist ja alles super witzig Alt-Mariendorf man wir waren ja Nachbarn wie oft war ich früher bei Eis Henning U Bahnhof Alt Mariendorf so geil. Und das mit deinem Freund in SD ist ja auch sehr geil mein Bruder verkauft Geräte und Zubehör um Wasser zu strukturieren und zu filtern. Die brauchen jetzt meine Hilfe weil sie eine Weed Farm aufbauen und ich bin ein alter Grow Master. Bist du wieder in Berlin oder noch in Costa Rica?

Hey man, I was born in Berlin and lived there for about 33 years. Love that place so much!

I follow you my South Berlin friend it is great to see people from South Berlin on Steemit :)))))

Great post @acidyo but I just saw your content for the first time here on steemit and I just couldn't ignore your acid melting social media gif lol! that made my day. Cheers!

I was the leader of a youth group. Was elected State Master Councilor for a jurisdiction in the United States. One of the jobs of the SMC is to appoint your appointed state officers.

There was this young man named Michael and he really wanted to be State Chaplain. Michael has some sort of mental disability, so writing prayers for hundreds of people to watch could have been a horrible idea. But when he asked me to appoint him that, I just felt like it was the right move.

Both my Executive officer and State chapter dad, advisors in charge of the State youth program, told me that it was a bad idea. But I stuck to my gut cause I just felt he was going to do great. He wanted to be it, and my gut and his want to be Chaplain was all I needed.

Needless to say, he was the greatest chaplain we had seen in awhile. He was always on time with his ceremonies, sent them in to me early, and had a very thoughtful message to each one.

He ended up being such a wonderful State Officer I made him State officer of the year, as is my choice as SMC, and I gave him one of the first Honorary State Master Councilor awards our jurisdiction had ever given out.

I personally felt amazing just giving someone else the ability to shine when others felt he couldn't.

His family cried at our end of the year celebration and thanked me for giving him the chance. His sister gave me this build a bear as a thank you for watching over her brother throughout the year. (My theme was super heroes and I was Captain America.)


I've got an interesting story about doing this, though it isn't crypto related at all.

Back when I was 15, I went over to my buddies house to spend the night one weekend. He told me shortly after I came over that we were going to another one of his friends house who I didn't really know. We ended up going over there, and playing guitar hero for a bit which was cool.

Then the dude says he wants to go out and walk around, when it's like 2am. I was kinda iffy on it, but caved in to the peer pressure. He ended up having us walk like an hour or so until we got to this crackhouse looking place, and then had us sit outside and wait while he went in. I started getting a bad feeling in my gut, and just decided fuck this, I can just walk to my house and deal with getting bitched at by my family. My actual friend decided he was gonna stay and wait because he didn't wanna leave the other guy, and looking back I'm also assuming he knew what the other guy went there for. So, I just said my goodbye and left.

Welp, that ended up being the wise choice on my part. As, apparently the owners of that run down house were drug dealers, one of them hooked on his own product and was fucking nuts. Guy was tweaking hard and apparently was threatening to kill my buddy for being too quiet. The guy had led us there so he could try to score some weed and shrooms, but didn't have enough money to get them. His bright idea after they left there and got away from the crazy guy was to go around breaking into cars that had their doors unlocked in the nearby neighborhoods, and see what they could find/steal worth something.

They both ended up getting busted by the cops and going downtown for the evening and got in trouble. I've no idea why the fuck either of them thought that was a good idea, or why it would be smart to go back to the drug addicted guy who threatened to kill one of them. But, yeah. Really glad I stuck with my gut and bailed out of there as fast as I could.

Damn, that's crazy! What people do when they are desperate for some drugs, heh.

Yeah, I was just amazed at how dumb they were that night. That was the straw that broke the camels back as well for my friendship with that kid. I realized he was a really shitty person/friend, and that he did a lot of shitty things.

He did something else that pissed me off like 8 or 9 months before that as well. We went to a local gas station, like 10 minutes away to get some snacks after midnight. Well, some cops ended up spotting us and instead of just walking normally he had us duck into an alleyway which confused me, until he pulled out a butterfly knife which isn't legal to carry with you in my state, and it's not legal to own if you're under 18. Then he handed it to me and wanted me to try and hide it, lol. Responded with something like, uh, fuck no and tossed it into some rubbish.

Then we ended up getting arrested because he made us look suspicious, and I got dragged into a holding cell for like 13 hours until my mom could come get me. Which was also thanks to him, because he decided not to ask his dad to take me home and just leave me there to wait on my own. I was stupid enough to continue and try to be friends with him until that other incident happened, but jesus, that dude was an idiot and quite a cunt.

Thats not a gut feeling, thats called being smart.

I guess, but there was a lot of peer pressure at the time since I was a loner/outcast kid at that age and I valued friendships quite a bit when I could find people who I got along with. Really was fighting with myself the whole time, but just felt this rotten feeling in my stomach about the whole thing.

I did a lot of stupid shit as a kid, but I'm glad I didn't stick around there for sure.

Hmmm, so one time I was a little kid. And I was in the back of a pickup truck and we were driving down the road. There was 4 of us back there, my mom included. I was sitting with the back to the tailgate and I got a weird feeling that it could crash open so I stood up to move away but I spread my arms as I got up and had one end of the blanket in each hand. The wind caught me and lifted me out of the truck and I slammed into the road. I got a good amount of road rash but was ok besides. That's where your gut feeling gets you into trouble. I have a crazier more legally complex gut feeling story that was a postive gut feeling story I will share sometime on chat if you ask as well lol

Mine is a non-crypto one.

My current (and fingers crossed, forever relationship)! I met her when I was in school. We both changed school and then met after 10 years or so at a play I directed. She had come to watch it with her boyfriend. I knew them both. Well, things didn't work for them and I had very strong feelings for her after meeting her and getting to know her more. A general norm in our society that mostly parents don't allow their children to marry outside extended family/caste. I'm sure you'll be surprised by that as it is very different there. Anyway, I knew it won't happen but my inner instinct told me to go ahead. As we speak, the debate is going on in my family and I'm standing firm on my stance. I hope we will tie the knot very soon :)

Good luck to you! :)

I am new to the subject of the criptomonedas, I am very novice in terms of investments.

Steemit was the first platform of which I have been part of those who handle the crypt, so I still do not know much about the subject of investment.

My first confidence is to invest in Steem, I certainly hope you will get a lot of value soon, I also intend to invest a bit in btc to see what happens.

I listen to advice!

It was on my last summer vacation , I realized that I was the only one in the museum gallery and all of a sudden I see a girl enter the room and doing my same movements around the art, walking to the same places and taking a similar time as myself on each work
I thought ¨mmm, this is weird should probably talk to her¨
Best gut feeling decision in my life

We hit it off immediately and we have been friends since then

Aww, that's a pretty sweet story! :D

It always shows to prove that following your gut sometimes its the best thing ! :D

I trusted my gut at the beginning of 2014 when I sold BTC for a nice sum and thought 'Hell Yeah!' - Looking back now my gut was a little too hasty...perhaps that's why I've been dealing with a stomach ulcer these past few weeks :/

Ouch! Yeah I've sold many altcoins way too early only to see them shoot up later.
When everyone else is celebrating their profits I sit there regretting my small profits I took. :P

:P Indeed - win some, lose some eh :)

my latest gut feeling is about entering steemit and making blogs. i dont know what the future holds for steemit, but i just focus on creating value to people by making blogs. i never knew i would enjoy blogging this much. and i can say that making blogs and providing value to people is my new-found passion!

My gut feeling was when I picked up about 200 ethereum when it was priced at about $20 a coin. I went ballistic when the price went from $20 a coin to $400 a coin. That my friend was a really sweet gut feeling I hope I get again.

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BTC 63342.09
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