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in #as6 years ago (edited)

i talk to planets baby

(that's why i asked @lemouth if none of his #steemstem buddies can get me bloom and sapolsky on steem or so i can ... so i CAN ... i havent found their email address yet)

so i read this complaint, right ? somewhere in a post i wont link by someone i wont mention but

i think to myself , WTH ARE YOU DOING ? APPEALING TO GOODWILL ? 120000 years of human evolution should have taught you better

take it to the source

@yabapmatt , i hear voices in the wind you have the equivalent of rage-quitting or pulling-the-plug to prevent loss ... i dont know but i hear

you could switch to "ante-up"

meaning if you quit you lose the stake anyway

(if that's the bump)

its possible i misread

i just woke up :p

if so then please ignore this

having been there and back again on a quest for catfood i thought maybe i need to elaborate a bit as people tend to look at me like i'm speaking in tongues ?

there's always something, right, you dont wanna slack off, you wanna stay on top of your clients, right

it's not the first thing you developed , assuming i'm talking to the right witness here ..

See, (as i see for a bit) :

you don't wanna remove options so you don't wanna remove the option to surrender, more options is good unless it starts to clutter . What you wanna do is add the option for the winner to be magnanimous and give the card back.

Bear with me

(Don't get me wrong, i'm not applying for a place on "the team" or something corny like that, i DO think we have mutual intrest in applications that make steemit "a place to be" though, so excuse me if i leave out the sir , lol ;-)

You wanna play on the will of people to be perceived as good here. People don't have an innate will to BE good. They have an innate will to be perceived as good.
It puts you close to the center of the group which gives you more chances of survival. I don't think i need to explain that to someone who managed to get a witness position so i'll spare you the brain chemistry.

You add the ante-up (not asking about the code, if anyone asks for mine its strictly forbidden and prohibited really, no one gets it until i quit it lol) you give the option to "return" you will quite likely get an honour system where it becomes the common habit to return instead of to keep , which will apply most of the time unless your speaking high-tier items (speaking in general, right ..)
People want to be seen as good and magnanimous (as i say, witnesses wont need that part explained) , you can offer the opion to be magnanimous on a win/surrender together with a whole set of titles, reputation and achievements on top while preventing rage-quitting (lets call it that) or sore losers who dont realize its still a game :)

SO, mutual self-intrest right ... ? I'm not interested in teams i just hope no one gets in the way too much when my stuff gets up and running a bit. Which is not why i suggest this , i believe in mutual self-intrest

not in mother Theresa lol

best to see the world for what it is , hey i might plagiarize this comment as a post on how to

speak to witnesses as if they're not superhuman or something ....

just a few cents on what i think i read in some post as a complaint somewhere and i have no clue why they weren't talking to you instead

food for thought, not criticism

steem has been good for my mental health lol

i need it for my epic

nah seriously okay , i dont need credit or anything , i need STEEM to be somewhere it deserves to be

think about it even in a game like dark souls that's all about do or die you get people invading waiting for duels

as a code of honour, no one enforced that

most of them do

see .. the one thing you have hear over classic parliament where the money grubbers smile on top

is a direct link

and since this is Sparta, a lot of them actually WANT YOU TO

no sir or madam required

mutuall self-intrest should be in your mind's eye

keep in mind a certain degree of narcissism is REQUIRED to be at a certain level of management so

you pone ideas you want adopted to your management ?

the best idea is to have them have it like its their idea

(not what i'm doing here, i'm doing eye to eye, but my goal is not adoption since i dont really have vested intrest in the matter other than the survival and welfare of STEEMchain as a whole, for now)

that's why mutual self-intrest is important

only share ideas that benefit both you and the addressed party , otherwise you'll end up with someone who's got all the clout and position to make happen what you came up with PLUS they take the credit

don't believe in the good of humanity

believe in the will of humanity

to LOOK good

ask bloom and sapolsky how that works if you have to since im a bum with no degrees

and please

don't be scared to talk to that upper-class, they got vested intrest MORE THAN YOU and your witness vote is worth a lot more than your plankton vote at the moment

see, a witness that downvotes a non-witness even once is forever branded on the chain

it never goes away, its forever there, so

unless you're gonna start posting pictures of raping penises or something i wouldnt be too scared to talk

the ones who downvote you for talking immediately show their true nature and at best you get stalked for a month

they're not all scum like steemcleaners

but for now as there's mutual self-intrest and i believe its a potential powerhouse for steem i'll do the talking for you

but its not what i do

and im not "part of the team"

until i have my own

and i dont compete, if something feels the need to
get in the fucking way and just sit there

i try to destroy :)

but i have nothing so im harmless

i'm used to being misunderstood

in this case the only thing that matters is mister Matt getting my message as his survival at the moment is crucial to mine.


that's natural, thats how things work

you MAKE IT UGLY because you believe in equality while i hold the truth self-evident that no two men are created equal

i couldnt fix a car to get away if it saved my life , i couldnt build a wall that stands up to put my bed under, theres many many things that i cant do

i used to go by the name of CATalayst but i discarded that is i dont like to save a world that didnt make me a better place.

it doesnt have to be ugly

life is not a square-spreadsheet

it's a venn-diagram

your A.I. will never get it before the advent of quantum computing (REAL QUANTUM COMPUTING, as one of my most-admired steemers here once explained to me the misconception of superposition :

a qubit is not terniary : the superposition is analogue as such, meaning it has basically an infinite number of positions : )

well that's what the man explained and i have no reason to doubt that

i also thought it was terniary

before that

you know 0-1 and 1 on top


SO ....

the one on top turns out to be an oscillating volume-meter

like everything else in the universe by wave-nature would be and


its NOT "bad" to think like that unless you are a psychopath

you WANT whats best for you and yours but nature works by symbiosis

hence the sys-admin would need the salesforce

and the wonkey dev would need the construction worker


doesn't mean BAD if you get together on mutual self-intrest and leave each-other alone

john lennon is dead

gandhi too btw they shot the fuckers WE CANT ALL GET ALONG

unless we give each other



and stuff and shit

and all

ego huh ?

i claim scientists for my dragons

that's why i need a direct line to bloom and sapolsky

mh ?

problem with that ?

its fucking up your bots ?

how so ?

you wouldnt run a bot for a million accounts from a pc at home, right ?

would you ?

what's a million in todays world ?

mh .. .the capital of europe ?

ah, THAT?

yes, i heard yesterday the belgian gov't has been "falling" for weeks again over some EU-migration pact

no referenda has been issued (asking what people want is not done in democracy) , SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


they made history with a four year or more streak without "falling" lol

that's like total HISTORY for belgium, man

it IS a circus

it IS gangsterdam

the taxes ARE something you would think you only see in a Dali painting

starting up business here IS madness

if you want to mow the neighbours lawn you need at least three months of paperwork and probably a deposit of a few 1000 before you are legally allowed to

people always think its my usual sarcasm

but when i talk about belgium


and btw



'forming a new one'

if there was colombia in europe

where would it be ?

well, its pretty simple and easy

you let in what you can pay for

that's humane

you keep your own inbreeds from breeding too much

that's SMART


that's holmesian vulcan logic

i dont need your sympathy i dont need you to do shit

i can just sit here and watch you go to hell

like you did to my life

and you cant help yourself

that concludes the section on belgium

where was i ?

ah i could have used the tag # steemmonsters

but i tend to speak only for the fans

i'm sure its a great idea

i have those all the time :p


yea thats my sick sense of humour cos


do you have any idea how much years of my life i have been trying to be nobody ?

i never got enough money to be that

tell me the name of putin's wife !

well there's your answer

THAT, mah frend




that was a rohr-cat test

honestly, protecting your family and stuff ...

you people have no idea how much you are alike

only thing is

he's clearly better at it

well euhm erika germany told me most people dont finish her posts reading

i shoulda told her

finishing mine should get you an achievement

i flip all over the place as the man from china said in a very great way of expressing it

now as im quite certain Erika would be female in german i have no idea on the identity from the man in China

i don't know if @mobbs is male or female in chinese but as far as i could guess its a guy

do they like being mentioned in the middle of daftness ?

would you consider either of them normal people ?

i'm going for a landslide "no"

would you consider them "interesting reading"

i'm going for a landslide "yes"

tell me if i'm wrong

well we all studied sun-tzu and the other classics while the others were reading baudelaire, right?

correct me if i'm wrong

(i dont btw if still did , i wouldnt really have the time for steemit and i would have


of money

its one of my regrets in life

not having started over straight out

doing it "the right way" got me nothing so far

but stuck

in hellgium

in a town i hate for fucking me over since i was 15

i never forgive

anonymous stole that line from me

you wanna put me back to the shoplifting for catfood life ?


i'll be your huckleberry

no complaining if the cat doesnt do dog-tricks

(i dont live in america or china either btw ... you really need to come overhere and start with nothing and tell me 20 years from now, you really need to do that, its crucial research)

yea that's basically refusing a minimum income of €150 a day in order to

i have no idea what i was thinking, it must have been the medication they fed me for months

its too late now, dont worry

not just something you can just flip day to day



i dont have stories but one

when i was "in" for a week someone came "knocking on my door" i had never seen

asking if i ratted this or that

YES IN BELGIUM where isolation is the norm

and i'm still breathing, right ?

probably means i didnt, they know a lot more than you

so its not just a

"story" or something for a movie or something

its something that should have never happened considering i was a belgian white suburban shy a+ grade top of the class kid

i should have been a nice doggie

that's why they're trying to neuter cats all over the place

they think its "bad for the kids"

blame it on brainbugs and all that

CATS HAD THEIR OWN RELIGION RETARD (they still do, actually)


the god of the dead

fucking carrion eater mater

NOT your pet dog

dogs are nice

my parents have a dog, they once spent like a few thousand on an operation for that ex-proportional curly rat

and i laud them for that

it's still a dog

a parasite

not a symbiont

i DO live in the metaverse

its how i see the world

the basic laws of equilibrium teach kindergarten kids

symbionts have more chance than parasites

parasites have no clue what they're doing

owh ... #steemit gave me not a platform to express myself

but an environment to deploy

its a bit more complicated than normal people

since i'm a weird freak

that's where you insert charlie , right ? but i like the cover version

some of use are

"not here for the money" but

"we are"


like qubits

that's right

makes us more real than you

the metaverse man, if i ever found a way to explain that in a book i would but the thing is

its actually IMPOSSIBLE to explain the metaverse to "normal" people (and that's a lot of scientific terms, right) as its a contradiction to personal reality for normality to perceive anything out of the ordinary, adding extra layers is at the moment

way beyond omega

mashing up yesterdays reactions with the ones you got before ?

that's why address normals in advertising

or thats why people on bloomberg get a job yapping about forex signals

all in one bucket statistics ...

no versatility

there IS something as beyond omega
it should be the first thing you accept when you start seeking

in Flanders fields ... if there's one place where there's more ghosts in the mud than american hicks combined for some sense of "duty" ?

well ... Roots Manuva wants an honourable mention but i'm afraid i have to explain why that video on flixxo

was funny while i was on it

are you finished ? almost

but not like that

i got some serious masters to live up to so the least i can do is keep going

yea thats why i shouldnt do the sales

part of it

everflowing all over the place

the kind of energy id love to have again but i doubt it

a bit like


instead of stepping on the same tile in a square pattern ?

the middle of the bell curve wants comedy, precious

fairy tales and "love" of the hippie-class kind

pictures of food they could never cook

or will probably never be able to afford to eat


my inspiration partly doesnt even exist on google anymore

Screenshot from 2018-12-10 16-55-06.png

so i keep it in a plastic bag

the shit i read as a kid

its falling apart

it looks a bit like

your world only

full of a lot more promise than shit

Screenshot from 2018-12-10 16-56-42.png


it defined me a lot more than your schools did

so you want more of THEM

or you like a few of me

hence and thus forth he shalt sayeth

i dont think you can HAVE


i'll try to translate

There's a crack in the sky , she said He smiled ... but he felt it was the truth he knew something irreversible had happened

its basically (likely) the book the guy who wrote the matrix read as a kid

if he didnt

he shoulda

the 2 and 3 movies might have sucked less

yea i'm almost done, got some quiet programming-in-the-night i wanna do and


i'll check that tonigh

you know i ASKED

in september

can you scrap me ?


fine ... so i ignored them

then i asked

can you scrap me

until april ?

so i guess that's what we'll see

i think they're gonna do something like


and make me steal again



i understand the confusion

its a cultural thing

i just wanna make sure my cat likes me

don't you ?

isn't that what its all about ?

i dont wanna do good

i wanna make sure my cat likes me

some would call that caring

others would say

but in essence the essence comes down to the debate of what consists a soul


i wanna do some at least few lines of program tonight so yes

i think im done for now

synopsis ?

wow ..pfff







all over the place again, right @mobbs

dont answer


its all just valuable scientific research data btw

dont reply

even if you would

i'll talk to you dont talk to me id feel a certain kind of fail when i didnt reply back somehow

still figuring that out


and you are not

them ?

i think we all define "them" ourselves

even they do

so that's a relative concept

that's why they wont give me quarter

they're scared

i'm not

but i dont really care

my cat won't live another 20 years unless i find the money to fund aubrey so

there's nothing left to seduce me with


You keep adding more!

yea, a bit like life keeps piling shit on top lol :p i hope everything is fine in sunny colombia, do you actually get snow there?

Sorry I replied before I read the don't reply part! It has been pretty sunny the past few days, never snow but cloudy and rainy we do get. We are over 1 mile high at 1790 m about sea level! So it can get a little chilly if its cloudy, windy and/or rainy.

A fine post, some sort of stream of consciousness art I think! Loved Vulgaris Magistralis the most.


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