Lunar woman with transparency (Process)

in #artzone5 years ago

As you can see, it’s another drawing of mine, with the difference that it is now a little more colorful than usual and with many elements that I don’t usually use, it was another of the projects that in the course I was taking assigned me an original composition, with two plastic elements or more, I decided to do what they saw and what they are about to see.

I will start by telling you that at the beginning when I was assigned that task, it was blank, I was somewhat confused because I had several ideas but I did not know what the final one could be, in the same way, I decided to make several superimposed figures among each other with transparency and that they had different poses to give some movement to the piece, since I did not get images that fit my expectation of what I wanted my composition to be, I photographed myself naked and I was my own model (no it will be necessary to explain that I will not put the reference photos in this post or in any other, right?)

Now, I learned several things by doing this piece but one of the most relevant was that whenever you were going to compose something you should and would have to make a sketch before you dive completely with everything that entails doing a certain composition without do some tests on how that piece will take shape.

I made some sketches but this is that more was structured and clear of what the idea would be in general, initially they were only the three figures, the lunar cycle was something that was already more unexpected, it was a suggestion that my teacher gave me and I took his word, I thought about it, tried the moon a bit and ended up liking it, so I introduced it to the composition.

I started by configuring the main figure, I was somewhat uncertain if the cardboard I was using was good for a color job, more than I did not know if my colors would also be good to give intense colors but happily it turned out that the cardboard and the colors interacted quite well but we are just seeing the sketch on the cardboard, you will see what I mean.

One of the first things I did was give it a very fine color with the colors (worth the redundancy), giving it a glare so that it took a little off the pale cream color that the cardboard had naturally, use turquoise, violet, purple, purple colors , pink, red and a little blue, one of my other mistakes was at the time of giving the glaze, my strokes were very horizontal and that could condemn the piece to not have a good reading for the movement so horizontal or could make It was very rigid at the level of strokes.

I started making the hair of the figures, I chose blue and violet colors, with a black color and a graphite pencil giving it more darkness and depth to certain areas, as with a flexible eraser I gave the highlights that felt that I had certain volume and movement

(Before continuing I want to apologize that I do not have so much content of the process, when I was doing it I did not stop to take pictures, went on and on, I finished it in one day and it was very fast, I slept very little and I was excessively excited, therefore, do not notice to take photos, my apologies, I continue)

We changed abruptly from poorly defined hair to explain the process without photos but at the end of the day, I will explain them to you, then, already having the background with the glaze pass, to give it much more color, I was very intense with the colors, which combined , which ones were not, which were brighter, how could I mix them, use enough colors (as you can see), violet, pink and blue colors, one or the other green, so that all of them gave a feeling of unification, I rubbed a cloth for on top of it and thus the color turned out to be a little flatter and without gaps that the color usually leaves many times.

In matters of the lunar cycle, it was something quite different, I painted them a yellow color and gave them the shadows with a graphite pencil, a 3B, likewise, rubbed so that the color and graphite were more united, so that it did not have that I gave it a yellowish color a few touches of light pink in some corners, so that it had a bit of harmony with the rest of the background.

We turn to the three figures, the analysis of why, the colors I use could say something, the poses, the moons and everything else, I will cowardly leave them to you, whatever you say it could be, I will tell you that my motivation to to do them was to try a new technique, it was a challenge, that I fulfilled it as much as I could or I want to believe that, the colors I used liked a lot, the colors were, blue, purple and red, a different one for each figure, I started doing the blue, then purple and finally red, I was afraid that you would not see what that transparency could not cause.

I do not know if this is a bit obvious but it was not at all difficult to draw myself, there was a moment in which I did not know if that was really me, I disassociated my face with that of the girl who saw several the same day to take reference to the piece, I have some problems of self-esteem but that experience of seeing me for so long, helped me a little to feel better about myself.

I finish my process, the explanation and this post, if you want to give your analysis or your point of view, I would be delighted to read them, take all the freedom to do so.

I hope you liked the post, that you enjoyed it and that you are encouraged to comment on this post, what do you think, if you have any suggestions, I assure you that I will read you with all the attention and affection.

If you want to go through my Instagram to see a little more of my content, here I will leave it:


Goodbye, guys!


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