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RE: There's A Fungus Among Us

in #artzone6 years ago

Well, for now just to get started and to see how well we harmonize, one of us gets started, if it's you, take a pic of what you came up with and send it to me, I add my five cents and send it back to you. Than you can look at it on the computer screen while you keep adding to your original drawing. We can go back and forth a few times and at the end you send me a hires photo of your piece and I combine the whole thing digitally. Your artwork doesn't have to be perfect in terms of positioning, I can always mask out certain parts and arrange them in the best way.
How does that sound?


okay, yes let's just get started! I can also just trace your lines lightly to the paper over the screen, and if you can do the job of making it fit together in the end, that sounds great!
So.. who starts? haha, I'm getting a bit scared of starting!

would probably be better to do over email or other message system...?

Haha, no reason to be scared, this is going to be fun. We can make it even whackier by both starting without knowing what the other one does. So, imagine you for example have this idea and start with a ladybug, I have another idea and start with a locomotive. And then we have to make it somehow work. AND WE WILL! It's gonna be a blast. We can do email in the beginning and later when the files get bigger use dropbox. Here's my email: [email protected]

Okay, I'm just gonna reply this by mail then!

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