'FIERCE" - Life On Paper

in #artzone6 years ago (edited)

All I want to do is paint...

Lately, I have been very busy with my 5 days a week “real job”... 😂
But late evening after office worked well for me where I managed to get an hour or so to paint and it also refreshed me after a tiring day.

So, I started working on this artwork some 10 days back and it's actually now within days of being done. Just need 2-3 more days to focus and work on details.

Honestly, I didn't start this artwork with much thoughts on the elements but I had an idea of how I want the end result, and I am glad it's turning as I wanted.
I had a vision of fierce society, how we are trapped with the needs and expectations of the society. How we are forced to behave the way others want and everything becomes like a cage which gets tighter and tighter day by day.
But halfway I was told its turning more like something inspired from Game of Thrones.
So I thought you might like to take a peek at what I am doing lately. I have already spent some 50 hours on this artwork but I am happy with the results .:)

What do you think???





I will post my step- by- process once it's finished. :)
Back to work now.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and I am grateful for every Upvote, Resteem, and Comment. Until next time! 😍

All content and photos (otherwise stated) are by @itravelarts

Love. Swati ❤️

Follow me @itravelarts


Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

howdy there itravelarts! wow this is another super cool one. big surprise. lol. I can imagine why it would take that long with so much detail, it's amazing and I can stare at this one a LONG time! lol. wonderful post!

Hey, thank you so much.. It's actually very time consuming and can get frustrating at times..

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howdy there itravelarts! well I'm sure it's a heck of a lot harder than a non-artist would know but it's worth it in the end isn't it? It sure is for us! lol.

It is.. Though I am not finding the energy to complete it.. But hopefully soon.. Need to go out and get inspired.. How are you doing?

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howdy there itravelarts! you don't have the energy because you are too tired from working so much? How do you solve that problem stop working? lol.
Oh I'm fine thank you, just cruising along working on steemit today, it's been raining here for a couple of days so I'm trapped indoors anyway!

Good that it's raining.. It's been raining here as well on and off.. I love this weather..
No no I am not tired,i am just not inspired enough to paint right now... But soon will be..

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howdy again itravelarts! you like rainy weather? now that is very unusual! I kinda like it too though especially if it's been awhile. So most artists just wait until they get inspired to start painting?

Where I come from, it's extremely hot and so rains are a blessing...also it makes everything better..
Lol..i don't know about other artists, but I guess everyone works as they feel the best for themselves, I push myself for few days too much when working and then I need a break.. I become a bit lazy until I get my motivation back.
How do you like to work? Have you ever created art?

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This is absolutely gorgeous, @itravelarts <3 The detailing is incredible! Specially on the fur/scale of the wolf/saurus <3 Love the strange composition also !! Amazing, so far ! looking forward to seeing this finished * ___ *

Thank you.. It's always nice to see your comments.. I really wanted to participate in your contest, but unable to find enough time... may be next time. 😍

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that's alright ! there's always next time :D the most important thing for me is that maybe it would have encouraged people on this blockchain to take a better and more active interest in other people's blogs .... if i could have brought some people to have a look at your blog, for example, i'd have been made happy happy spider \o/

we're all on the same boat, right :D it's always good to work together !

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank you 😍

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I have never seen Games of Thrones (well, I know I'm probably the ONLY ONE :D )

I love this painting! It has so much details and different scenes! I've looked at it for about 5 times before I've noticed the small birds! I wonder what I will see when I'll look at it again!

Can't wait for step by step instructions! Thank you for sharing Swati! This one truly is great!

Thank you so much @delishtreats ..thr is still lots of details I need to add.. Thank you again for so much apprexiations

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My pleasure!! Are you on discord? I would like to ask you something..

yes, by the same name- itravelarts

This is just... wow. Everything about it is so deep and dark. The little details, the eyes, the teeth, the blending and pretty much the entire structure of the artwork is so so well done. Really impressed!

Hey, how are you.. Thank you so much..

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Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review and included in Art-Venture magazine.
The upvote and support of Art-venture magazine would greatly appreciated!

Thank you..😍

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Incredible idea! Excellent details!

Thank you dear..

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Really great piece! I can definitely sense those grips of society in the piece! What a beast... Scary, but well described! One of my life goals is trying to stay away from those claws..!

That's a good goal.. But sometimes you don't even know it just comes to you.. Such is life..
Thank you for stopping by and appreciating..
Love.. Swati😍

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