Batler-Shelter Dog Graphite Drawing-FINISHED By EdgarsArt

in #artzone6 years ago

Batler-Finished Grpahite Drawing

Second-Finished. Well it does make me feel a little bit better, but then again I already know what I need to do next. This work took a bit longer than the previous one and I tried to change the way How i draw when it gets to the very end.
In the previous work I to be honest, took it a little bit easier at the end. When I got the last fur part just below the nose and chin, I really made it a bit quicker and I was a bit lazy. Have to admit that. And in this one I really tried to focus till the end. Usually it is hard working on something 30 hours and by the end you automatically want to end it all faster a bit and for me it is difficult because personally I am far from ideal person with iron discipline. So the end is hard for me as I really want to finish it and I really enjoy the end feeling. It is like working for a long long time and then you stop and you have this feeling of piece and of calmness that you did what you needed. It is like doing push-ups. You get over 20 or something and then each one is like the end and you want to stop faster.

In this drawing I have not used an eraser. Basically I did all the highlights with no actual working on them. Maybe I should and maybe later I will return. Which is something I am doing rarely and I never actually do some extra work on a finished pieces. I kinda put all I could(which is not always all or neither the best i could) and then I really am finished with it and I do not return to add or correct something.

I really had a lot of pictures here to show and I hope you will enjoy all of them. Also I would love to see any comments and just thoughts. That helps me a lot, because drawing is a process you have to do alone and I really put all into this, so now it means a lot to know any outside thoughts about it:)

Also I am having some issues publishing videos to dtube. They simply do not post, so that is wy my how to draw videos are not back. Earlier it took me about an hour-3 for video to upload, but now it just do not do that at all.



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Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review and included in Art-Venture magazine. The upvote and support of Art-venture magazine would greatly appreciated!

So awesome, thank you:))

Your post has been featured on @artzone.

Courtesy of @nmalove

Thanks so much:)))

Amazing work. I love the expression and all the small details. Keep it up!

Thank you so much:) Oh yes, the details did take some time in this one

The quality of the drawing shows how good an artist you are and how calm you were to do it because you did not use draft and you did as natural as possible and without mistakes so to speak! It is fantastic your drawing

Oh thanks so much:)These last works have been the most freely done works i have made actually

It just amazing like always, and i am surprise to know that you haven't use any eraser in this one that is just mind blowing. Thanks for sharing..

Oh i dont know yet, maybe it would make it better, but who knows

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