1st Art-Trail Contest: The Official @NoNamesLeftToUse Digital Art Entry

Have you heard the news? There's an art contest being held right here on Steemit.com!


Yes! So Much Yes!

@nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist Himself here again...

Reporting Live!

I'm currently sitting inside the house, behind my damn laptop, because it's raining outside and I don't feel like getting wet!

Earlier, I got to thinking. I thought to myself, "Self! You better get off your ass and do something productive today or it'll be just another Wednesday gone down the crapper like all those other Wednesdays you didn't seem to give a crap about!"

I agreed with myself. Why should I sit around celebrating another Happy Hump Day when I can be out there potentially winning some cold, hard, STEEM!

That's Right!

They're giving away prizes for artwork! I'll include the link below that holds all of the important details and a few other fancy things.

A special shout out goes to @paolobeneforti and the rest of clan over at Steemtrail for putting on this little event and giving us artists a little something to smile about! I'm not sure if any of you folks have noticed, but us starving artists here on Steemit.com have been going through a bit of a recession lately.

The Show Must Go On!

You know times are tough when majority of the images being shared around here on this great platform of ours are simple financial charts showing us how great our investment is doing! Don't get me wrong here, I appreciate the information... but damn! Original content and the arts in general are big business and help draw people to the platform so they can see the show!

Steemtrail and @paolobeneforti seem to get it. Here's a quote from the post announcing this fantastic contest:

Paying the content creators - in cryptocurrency - is one of the greatest features of Steemit. And it's a great step towards a future where original contents and creativity will be highly coveted and needed. That's why we can see every kind of artist and original creator already on Steemit.

They know what's up!

I'm Supposed to be Entering a Piece of Art into an Art Competition, Not Rambling

Alright, time to get down to brass tacks here.

Originally, I had planned to use this piece to go along with a work of fiction. The story wasn't going anywhere. I've been in a fiction funk lately. Can't seem to find enough time, peace and quiet to gather my thoughts long enough to write something as awesome as my many other works of fiction.

Are You Ready?
(This might scare you if you're sawft!)

Making his debut appearance!

From parts unknown!


The Contestant - Copy.jpeg
The Contestant

I'm required to put some information here.

Category: Digital Art
Title: The Contestant
Size: 8K (7680px X 4320px)
Technique: @nonameslefttouse does not reveal trade secrets very often. Produced from scratch on a blank digital canvas using a few of the many digital art tools I have at my disposal. A total of four layers were used and eventually merged.
Production Date: Finished it about two hours ago.


So there we have it, folks. My official entry into the first ever Art-Trail Contest! Winning doesn't matter to me. I had more fun promoting this thing. I encourage all other Steemit members capable of arting to join in on the festivities. Painters, digital artists and sculptors can all join in on the fun! Do not delay. I believe the deadline for all entries is April 22, 2017.

Please see this post for full contest details:

Thank You for this Wonderful Opportunity!


All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Did I ever mention I enjoy entertaining people!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


Woah! He is bad-ass! (yes, even I admit that bad-arse doesn't sound right)

He makes he think of some kind of cross between Jared and Seth - have you been reading Reborn again? Maybe he's a Lyncane-pire...

Yeah.... you don't want to mess with The Contestant. He lights his audience on fire before he steps out from behind the curtain. Quite the spectacle.

Jeth? Or Sared? lol! Hm, it's like what their inner beings are made of, love it!

Neither of those quite hits the spot. How about Jareth?
"Announcing Contestant 1 - Jareth!" {the crowd goes wild}
"Announcing contestant num..." {looks all around} "Where did they all go?" {shrugs} "Jareth is The Contestant and The Winner" {holds Jareth's arm up}

Ohh, yes, Jareth...sounds like I'm lisping, hahaha!

Oh bugger, it does too. Back to the drawing board.

That is awesome! LOVE! The colors, I'm a huge fan of what I consider fall colors, and mist, huge fan of that too.
So I told Paul I would resteem his entry, what I'll do is his now, and then wait a bit and resteem yours.
You put this link in the contest post right? I'll head over there to vote it also :)

Yeah, I think I followed all the contest rules. This is more of a comic style piece. I've been working on a few other characters as well. Might see another variant of this guy in the future, but I'm not sure.

It's great for a comic style, he's definitely a super cool looking character. The surroundings are spectacular.

Probably best I used it for a post like this. I've been wanting to release more fiction with multiple images like I used to. I don't even want to say how long that took to make. Memes are making more. This is actually getting really depressing. It's too bad I enjoy this so much. Fuck... Oh hey! I hit reputation 70!

SWEET. I think I've been more upset about the reputation not budging than I have been about the money, lol.

"Back in the day," original content was encouraged. I missed more than I thought I did when I took a break that ended up lasting a month. I don't think I've pissed anyone off. I really don't want to be forced to lower the production value to coincide with glitchy rewards. I've been fighting the temptation for nearly two weeks. Beginning to burnout again working so damn hard. LOL! I laugh because I'm going crazy!

I'm feeling the same way, trying to keep up the quality during these penny days.

I need that incentive back that pushed me to create things like these. I thought about entering one into this contest but felt it wouldn't be fair to the competition. I'm looking around. Seems like the arts died here. There's a huge difference in what seems to be getting support. It takes two seconds to screen cap a chart from the internet. These massive artworks took hours upon hours and used to be appreciated. I'm baffled. Those charts are obsolete tomorrow.... This is so strange.
4 towers.jpeg

I thought I knew what I was seeing, but It's not Moth- man being drawn to the flame, it's The Contestant, farting.

How dare you! You have taken deb's lovely image of Jared/Seth and shat all over it! Gorgeous man beasts do not fart! LOLOL

But flaming ones, those are great right? It's a spectacular fart, and the wings are flame-resistant I'll bet.

Anything that comes from a rear end is just not sexy no matter how you spin it, ha!

The Contestant does have gas, this is true. Different than most though. That's pure propane shooting out. Nobody knows how he does it.

Knew it. An awesome skill. Born to contest.

@dreemit sent me, don't know if I am doing this right lol.
Love the art work, love the colours with the evil looking monster with wings, it all comes together really good :)

The evil in The Contestant is so raw, when spelled backwards, it's live. A live evil being nobody would want smeared all over their windshield while travelling at night. This happened once. They did not survive the impact, whatever that means.

It appears as if @dreemit has been up to her shenanigans again. Thanks for stopping in and appreciating this little piece I produced. I have a lot of other strange creations on my blog, and many more to come.

I am following you so hopefully wll catch up with your work :)

Just a friendly heads up. Some things get a little R-rated around here and I have a very twisted sense of humor. Enjoy!

Oh don't worry hun I can be very naughty too :)

That's me, the maker of Shenanigans :0) < stole that face from @meesterboom, reminded me of the Blanky from "The Brave Little Toaster" cartoon...It might be scarier than your evil winged creature....

You did it right, and you let me know you followed him so it's perfect! I love the colors in this one too, fall colors :)

Looks likes leaves on fire :)

Definitely, with the smoky foreground, I love it :) And he's not on right now or he'd be replying back to you, so expect to hear from him later.

Will be lovely to hear from him, thank you for introducing me to him :)

GREAT, potent entry @nonameslefttouse. I love everything about this piece. This is a fun initiative and I'm so glad to see the ArtiSteemians going strong on all fronts. Awesome share!

Hi @everlove. Long time, no see! Thank you for the compliment. I believe this piece got an honorable mention so I was quite satisfied with the result. For a time I was becoming worried about the art scene here on Steemit. That and photography seemed to be dying out or going unnoticed. Slowly but surely things look to be getting better, so that's a good thing.

Sometimes us artsy people have a habit of putting ourselves and our work first and seeing other artists as competition(especially when we're entering competitions). We have to be careful with that, we should be looking out for each other as much as possible. You're right though. Things like this competition and your collaboration stuff bring us together for all the right reasons. Thanks for the compliments again and for you, keep up the good work with everything you do! I know a lot of people appreciate your efforts.

It has been awhile indeed @nonameslefttouse. The compliment is well deserved. Totally a great piece.

The art scene has not received much recognition really since I started on Steemit. Though most of my posts have gone without much attention, except for all the amazing artists who have come to play with me, I still feel engaging this artist community and the grand repertoire we are building to be of GREAT value. Because I do not offer a reward for participation, I am even more stoked that the artists find it a worthy way to engage to share their passion, to expand their skills, and especially to come together in support of one another to build a powerful community. Gratefully, together we are raising awareness and the power of our combined energies will make a serious statement on Steemit one day. I have faith that this will be the case, and even if we are not greatly rewarded financially, we will have created a portfolio beyond imagination and we will have shared our souls. Priceless!!!

Thank you for your response. I am grateful to connect with you again.

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