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RE: I'm Not Crazy I'm Really Doing This

in #artopium6 years ago

Hiya, great work on the initiative! And putting together your website!

I'll probably sign up once I work out what I could post, most of my visual art is either projection art pieces or programmed art needing a computer to run it. I also write music, but don't have any I'm quite ready to release just yet, you can hear some if you check my post history though :)

For my day job I'm head of frontend development & senior UI Designer at my company, which is a global digital agency, but I'm currently taking on some side projects, so after a quick peek at your site, you seem to have the content sorted, and the backend logic but I think we need to get that sites design modernised, given your passions I'm sure I don't need to impress upon you the importance of design and first impressions etc..


oh man you said it. i'm just one guy. artopium is a huge project. if you only knew. if you have any help you want to give in trade for extra promotion... :) but yeah, there are some elements that need modernizing. There are probably a few bugs crawling around too. But I have made several thousand dollars in revenue for several artists so far so I can't be doing too bad! Honestly though, Artopium got hacked over a year ago and I've spent ALL my time and resources this last year securing Artopium, which I'm glad to say Artopium gets at least a grade A in computer hygeine.

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