
I wanted to give her some sort of headress or necklace...or alien orb thing on her forehead for telepathy...but once again I seem to have imagined the deadline as one day earlier. Maybe that's because seeing the day 7 and not knowing how the timezones overlap always sends me into deadline panic! I must set my internal alarm clock for day 6 just to be safe. Hahaha. She will probably have slight alien feature makeover for re-posting with her backstory :)

Lol i have done the same with contests, you see closes in one day and your not sure if its more or less than 24 hours! If you want to change it you can, we look at them all during judging so it will be an extra surprise :) It looks very pretty as is though.

When do you start judging? I could see if my ideas work out. Martian diamonds be pretty :)

We probably won't start judging until after 5pm est so if you slip in some changes by then it's all good :)

Updated! Way less plain now :)