Time Flows Downhill, a poetic rhyme with moving rhythms

Time Flows Downhill

Danger Will Robinson!
The metallic voice of reason and rhyme,
a time so long ago but centuries ahead...
the dead don't listen to songs from so long ago,
prolonged by so much careless time
I grow.

Seize the Day!!
The resounding sound of a magnanimous mouth,
seasoned by uncouth words and moods...
the lewd sight doth nothing but the terror invites,
the lights of the charging crime

Bear the Brunt!!
The magical voice through the whistling hammer falls,
calls to the most horrifying remembered dread...
I said it so many times before that I can't restore the past,
a casting of minds and a memory of the time
flows fast.

God help the Downcast!!
The sing-song summons of a Demon of the night,
or a sight far from black as the coarse light broods...
I take the blood of kings in my veins so insane the pain,
the flames of passion that skate back through this rhyme
and remains.


absolutely love this, and now can't do mine.


I really have had that line reverberating around my head since I saw @juliakponsford 's post.

"DANGER Will Robinson DANGER"

with the floppy arms like I use. double lol
like the floppy arms on the wacky wavey inflatable arm flailing tube man but out to the sides, and with crude pincers as hands.


even cuter

You win the award for most amazing italicized wording of the day, which isn't actually an award. I say "Excellent" all Montgomery Burns-esque. My apologies for outshining with the Lost In Space reference (the movie is one of my favorite movies, I hate to admit... I see it on, I can sit there and watch it all).

I don't know if I ever saw the movie,
Lost in Space was on everyday (I think), nah hang on, that sounds a bit impressive, I think it must have been Saturday mornings or something.

it was on the tele though.

I think the movie came later

me old

not mentally mind you, but time on planet wise

cheers for the lols man, I guffawed when I saw your memo

It's all about the mental age. I don't think I've ever watched the Lost in Space TV show. The movie stars Matt LeBlanc and William Hurt. The movie itself came out in '98 and was considered really bad.

wow, but William Hurt??

oh no, I hate hearing that a hero actor like he made such clunkers.

like Robert DeNiro for another example.

Matt LeBlanc was alright with the scriptwriters of friends behind him, but ...

Awesome this does sound like a rap! Thank you for entering it :)

You're quite welcome. I'm no rapper, but I did try to flow it like a rap.

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