Hi dear friends!
This is my entry for the ART EXPLOSION WEEK 20: Theme POWER contest.
The title of my painting is " CONCERT" and it's an oil painting on canvas.
In this case the power and energy is in the orchestral conductor, musicians and choristers, who all together create a unique energy: the music!
The orchestral conductor is full of temperament and everyone is very focused on doing their job, and at the same time creating a harmony together.
And the music takes its way and disappears into the sky...
I hope you like it and thank you for following me :-)


Ciao cari amici !
Questa è la mia entrata per il contest ART EXPLOSION WEEK 20 : Theme POWER.
Il mio quadro si chiama " CONCERTO" ed è un dipinto ad olio su tela.
In questo caso la potenza e l'energia sta nel dirigente, nei musicisti e coristi, che tutti insieme creano un'energia unica: la musica!
Il dirigente è pieno di temperamento ed ognuno è concentratissimo a fare il proprio lavoro , e allo stesso tempo a creare un insieme armonioso.
E la musica prende la sua via e scompare nel cielo...
Spero che vi piaccia e grazie per seguirmi :-)


Once again you've painted a magical scene!

Thank very much! It makes me happy if you like it:-)))

I think music is one of the most powerful things in the world, beautiful painting!

You're so right!

I love the dreamy mood you created. The painting represents for me the trance like state of mind you sometimes enter while litsening to classical music. All the colors are blended and changing like the various melodies in a concert. I really like this work - thank you :-D

Thank you so much!!! If you can hear this music I'm really happy, and you are a sensible person, 'cause you can feel all this:-)))

Great entry thank you for participating to the contest!!!

Thank you very very much:-)))

Very very nice! I liked it a lot. Good luck in the contest, I'm also participating I hope you can go through my blog watching it (;

Thank you so much! I like your work too and I follow you:-) Have also a good luck:-)))

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