Art Challenge #14 - entry by @pyrowngs

in #artchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Here is my interpretation to the ArtQuest Trail ArtChallenge #14.

The image is this surreal painting by Vladimir Kush:

This is a very serene painting. There is a lot going on in this painting, and reading the other comments shows that a lot of the symbolism in the painting is seen & felt by many viewers.   

I feel that the two people are celebrating the start of their life together – perhaps a marriage. And they are toasting to each other and their future journey which will (hopefully) lead to them being on that boat and sailing into the sunset together. But, being separated and as individuals –each contained within their own glass is a reminder that although they are joined as a couple, they remain individuals – with their own ideas. They are inside the glasses, which could represent themselves (their own souls and their own outlooks upon the world) being free to view their life’s situation(s) as being positive (glass half full) or negative (glass half empty).   

This is up to each of us - our own interpretation as we go through life. And, who we are, and how we approach life usually will indicate whether we view the glass as half-full or half-empty. But, rarely are we reminded in such a way that it is ourselves which determine that for us, and that we choose.  

Viewing life in a positive way, and striving to sail away into the sunset is worth celebrating and worth toasting to.  

Thank You, @aksinya - for hosting these Art Challenges!  I really like the images you have been choosing so far!

Have an Artful Day!!


That is a really insightful and motivating view of the painting, thank you. It will be my morning motivator.

It is sooo beautiful . I am so sorry it was too late (Sat was deadline) and I got winners before you made your post. But I vote with my both accounts. I am soooo sorry((

No problem. Thanks! :)

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