Design | Steemitbloggers' Exclusive Signatures

in #art6 years ago (edited)

First Things First

I've been wanting to create a set of signatures for @steemitbloggers members for quite a while now. It has been on my mind like since forever and I still have a lot of pending ideas that I would like to do to help 'beautify' this awesome family of mine. I want the members to feel special being in this community that supports each other daily with engagement. When @steemitbloggers was just a budding community, @jaynie was finding all sorts of ways to help grow and develop the members in terms of support and being there for one another. Even now, every now and then, when either of us comes up with an idea to help develop the community to move forward, we would do it. All for the sake of our members because our members are family to us. We have one of the best bloggers/content creators/authors on Steemit. This was a way for me to show them that we're an awesome bunch of like-minded people.

@steemitbloggers Exclusive Signatures

The Idea

Well, I wanted the signature to be appealing and matching to our @steemitbloggers' logo which is a combination of various rounded shapes. After much tinkering, I've decided to create the signature out of shapes almost similar to a circle. I use a lot of elongated ovals and a few circles and animated them into an animated sequence. I also decided to re-use @steemitbloggers' colour for the overall signature.


Animating Shapes

This is the simple step by step process of creating this signature in After effects though I won't go too detail and technical about it. I use scaling and translation of the shapes to make them bounce pop out and to slide over.

Adding our Logo

This was simple, I created another composition in After Effects so it'll be easier and grants me more control. Did a simple animation 'pop out' for the logo as well matching the entire signature.

Adding our Steemit IDs & Ranks

Sliding along with the signature are our Steemit IDs and Ranks underneath. Just a simple ease in and ease out animation.


And this is the final product at its best. So far, I rarely seen a GIF signature on Steemit apart from the nice one from @sndbox. I just want to create this signature to show that @steemitbloggers is serious in what they do on the Steemit platform and we are a powerhouse of content creators.

More examples of our signatures:


The @steemitbloggers is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steemit platform. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individul growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steemit and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - WE SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER!!!...

Read more about us on @jaynie's official post - HERE


If you would like to submit an application to join our community
then please hop on to the.......


and you will be directed from there...

NB: This is NOT our actual community server... it is an intermittent stop for application processing. Those who are accepted into the community will be contacted directly via DM once their application has been approved.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our AWESOME FAMILY!!!


Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

Get your Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,Logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


This post was spotted by @theluvbug and has received a 100% upvote and possibly a resteem too.
If you would like to possibly receive future support from @theluvbug
then please make use of the #theluvbug tag.

Spreading the STEEMIT LOVE with upvotes and resteems of AWESOME Steemit content. Use #theluvbug to get my attention :)

In Proud Collaboration with @steemitbloggers
and their founder @jaynie

interested in joining the Steemit Bloggers Community?

A splendid idea

Very nice design!

THis is a very great idea.

Thank you @amirtheawesome1, be sure to get one!

That's actually really neat, and a super nice design. I think I'd seen these being posted around the server a bit but it's nice to get a more in depth look at them ^^

Thank you! Be sure to get one!

Loving it!! :)

Thank you!

Yeah yeah. Signatures

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for ordering 1 for yourself.

My pleasure bro. It is so beautiful

Posted using Partiko Android

You add so much value to this great community called #steemitbloggers @zord189. Thank you!

Thanks for getting one for yourself! And thanks for the compliment :)

Thank you very much, I love it a lot! Excellent job @zord189! :)

Yay! :D Ur welcome, will see you and @danielwong this Friday

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