Hostile EnvironmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art5 years ago


Explorers. Reach near a planet. Got strong and rare signals from it. High energy signals. Signals that suggest a sentient origin. But planet is not paradise. Is not even habitable. Au contraire. Is hostile. Even its gravity seems to fluctuate on a dangerous fashion. Like trying to pull whatever comes near it in random bursts of gravitational attraction. There are no signs nor readings of life... as we know it at least. Explorers had been on space for generations. Long lasting generations. Need something to grasp to. Need answers. These strange and insistent signals just keep invading mother-ship sensors. Sometimes strange noises come up from speakers. Even when offline. Inciting. Teasing. Some dare to say signals are scanning mother-ship. Others began having abstract unsettling, distressing, unpleasant even painful dreams. Others tell they hear weird noises, inside their ears. Things like clicks, hums... So they go down. Down to the surface of planet 0M1-Novs.

Kidding. This was a commission I did some time ago. Thing to depict was a hostile environment. And what came to my mind was surface of planet LV-426 from Aliens. Love those 2 movies. Alien and Aliens. Yes.

This is the classic hyper-rough notan from where I started.


Initially the ship looked like a piggie haha. But I had in mind that it would look like a caterpillar. Strong and sturdy. All terrain. So I change it when painting. Only showed the front though :(

This is the super-heavy process gif:


And here's the final:

Full Res

Couple of zooms:



It would be a nice space-horror story though. It could be called. The signal. Hahaha. I watched Cell, an adaptation of Stephen King's novel, and I loved it. That would be horrific, to deal with a sort of electromagnetic sentient entity which can... Now I need to read the book cause I imagine there's more juice than can be in any hour-and-a-half-book-adaptation flick.


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Thanks squared!

Great! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks my friend! Love that moto-bike from you. It seems it can take you far into the beautiful countryside.

Oh, this is so cool:) It definately puts you in the mood of Cell and the Alien movies. Who knows what grave dangers are waiting those brave explorers:)

I must inform you that i am hositing a gif contset at nTopaz platform Maybe you would like to take part with a future gif artwork:)

Thanks! Checked the contest. Sounds like fun. Hope to make it in time.

You are welcome and I hope so too😊 But nevertheless, I think you should start posting your artworks at nTopaz platform. It is a very supportive art community 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I posted through it a few times, I just rather the minimal approach from steemit. But that contest made me thought in some crazy animations.

Oh, so nice to hear it😊 I am looking forward to see your animations 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Love this Zeen :D

I can feel the strong wind!!! Swooshing and threatening to wipe everything off the ground !!!!

And then the crackling voice from the inside speakers~

Then the flash of lightning at the distance and then the booming thunder~ * ___ *


The whole GIF process is very, very cool * ___ *

Be careful, explorers-tachi~

Explorers-tachi won't be careful. Explorers-tachi are desperate for finding something. Whatever it is. Wherever it is.
Thanks Very (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ.


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @veryspider.

Maximum pinkness - maximum sweetness.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! haha, ¡¿¿¿te das cuenta de la belleza de esos pixeles???!XD
Te me vas para Studio Ghibli, me haces el favor hahahaha.
¿Hiciste cada mancha para hacer esa bruma-llovizna? Se ve laborioso xD.
El gif estuvo divertido, pareciera que le estuviera llegando la luz tipo Venezuela XD.

Jajaja. ¡Házmela buena Mary! Para la bruma-llovizna, que en realidad pensaba en ella como una tormenta de ceniza, polvo y nieve-ácida jajaja, hice un brush de puntitos y manchitas, y lo apliqué por todos lados variando el color y el tamaño.

El gif estuvo divertido, pareciera que le estuviera llegando la luz tipo Venezuela XD.

Jajaja. Su sentido del humor es sólido déjeme le digo.

Agh, ¡lo sabía! También llevaba polvo, pero no esperaba la nieve-acida (daa)🙀. Hmm, así que así se hace eso :O, interesante 😎😋. Gracias por el dato, せんせい!
Haha mi humor, bueno... el es así 😅😅. Supongo que "házmela buena" (¿qué te hago bueno?) es una expresión pero es tan rara, parece doblaje de comiquita hahaha.

Jajajaja. "Házmela buena" es como un "Ya quisiera", refiriéndome a lo de studio ghibli XD. ¿Tú qué usas para ilustrar, de software?
Ah y ¿qué es comiquita? ¿Como algún género de tv?

Ahhh, no lo hubiese adivinado nunca lol. Uso Paint Tool Sai de toda la vida de Dios xD. Comiquita es como vulgarmente se le dice a las series animadas acá, generalmente infantiles.

Ah pues creo que en Paint Tool Sai también puedes hacer custom brushes. Oh comiquita, bueno saber :)

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