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RE: Fleurs de Florence

in #art6 years ago

I homeschool, @janton which is a full-time job and then some! hehe Oh my....I went to bed at 9pm last time - pooped! Fridays are usually our free days - which consist of homework and musical practice - so I can relax a little more - clean the house and catch up on yard work before the yard police give us another violation letter ;) But you see what I'm doing, right? Steemit....goals, goals!

Weekend: I am planning on writing on the Drop in the Ocean topic of "Continuation" which will be an interesting topic to write about given that it could be nearly anything....continuation of life, continuation of a dream, continuation of the seasons.....hmmm What angle should I write from ? They are all so very interesting to me.

Cleaning to make a 'relaxing' space is also high on my list as I would like to try experimenting with some art supplies I just ordered! ;) It involves 'color' janton! I'm going to go for color! Now that I've put all this out there, I will have to follow-through.

Yes, INFJ's have some challenges for sure! And yes, mine has remained the same since college so I guess this is me, huh? I didn't pay attention to all the details of that college test though - just the end result and suggestions. But his test, gives some really helpful details on why I can't get anything done! haha

And we plan on making some kind of special family meal together. We haven't done this in a few months so the boys brought it up to me a few days ago and that's what we're going to do!

What do you have planned?

Hope you have a beautiful day!


youhavewings! what kind of music do you do? you have to be a music teacher also right?

So the weekend will be writing for steemit, another perfect post, and soon you will be doing artwork in color! now that sounds very interesting too, can't wait to see some of that.

What is a special family meal like? What is different about it in comparison to a typical meal?

No special plans here, Mrs. J works all day tomorrow, I will do some mowing on our acreage and work on steemit. Just routine stuff.

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