Another Original Pen Drawing -Created While Studying

in #art6 years ago (edited)

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This is another drawing that I created while letting my brain rest for some time after studying human anatomy.

Here you can see my latest drawing that I created meanwhile studying.

Lots of Light and Love <3


Sehr schön! Man kann hier über echte Kunst sprechen, ohne rot zu werden!

Danke für deinnen lieben Kommentar. Das hat mich echt gefreut :)

Da ich künstlerisch völlig untalentiert bin, weiß ich es sehr zu schätzen, wenn andere Menschen so etwas Tolles mit ihren eigenen Händen zustande bringen.
Gibt es eigentlich noch Euer Kali Bookshop? Ich kann mich noch gut an meinen Besuch bei Euch erinnern, an die vielen interessanten Bücher und die Fliegenpilzbemalung.

Wow! It is amazing what you achieve with this drawing is a unique and charming style!

Thank you for your kind words :)

It is definitely your style and I love it! I could see it lit up and psychedelic. Thanks for sharing @yoganarchista

Thank you very much ;) I am glad you still like the works I present here :)

Thank you for your comment ;) I appreciate it ;) Now I'll leave the house and have a look for some mushrooms. Have a beautiful day ;)

Have a beautiful mashrroms day

Your new art is exquisite.Your work has exceeded my hopes. Well done dear friend. Good luck.

@yoganarchista, That's pretty impressive design you created. There are unique fashionable designs indeed. Great work again.

When I look at a drawing made in blue pen it gives me a lot of joy, knowing that many artists want to work with this technique that is very complicated, and yet you can see nice works like this, I congratulate you friend.

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