The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
Digital art made by @xpilar
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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
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In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me 
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
A tree for the Amazon.
The day had fallen, it was night when Daniel sat in front of the television watching the news, there was a tragic news that reached his heart, the Amazon burned in flames, the voracious fire that burned the plants, the old trees, the huge oaks, animals burned for not being able to escape from hell.
Daniel wiped away his tears when he saw the images and learned of the facts when he turned off the television, went to sleep.
The Amazon did not abandon his mind, and in it he decided to sleep.
Daniel dreamed that he was traveling to Brazil and that he was walking through the beautiful Amazon full of life, the tropical climate filled him with joy, the blue sky and the smiling sun, the trees danced with subtlety, the huge oaks covered him giving shade, he looked towards the sky and passed over the birds.

Suddenly, everything fills with smoke and I could no longer breathe well.
He woke up desperate, imagining what was lived in the jungle, could not do anything for the Amazon.
But that morning he got up and planted a tree, right there in his garden, he knew he would not recover the Amazon, but at least he put his grain of sand.
thanks for the story @jdbs
That look like a dream
thank you @cryptotrader84
The nature from his eyes looks wonderful, what colors, what a sky, what a great creation!!
thank you so much @elider11
My soul upon seeing you was exalted, I immediately recognized you
Your two firm mountains seduced me to touch them
Your mount full of magic prompted me to penetrate it
You are indomitable jungle, wild woman
At your feet I fall surrendered, naked and without strength
You are a landscape, green life, green splendor
Blessed nature of incomparable beauty.
Blessed woman you give me life, you give me air and you fill me with energy.
thanks for the poem @anasuleidy
Hermoso amanecer en un ambiente que invita, que inspira
donde la inmensidad arropa el pensamiento
donde las ideas armonizan,pero vibran
con el soplar de la brisa que apacigua
debajo de un árbol inmenso
donde el reflejo de la luz desde el firmamento
ilumina las motivaciones y anhelos, que llevo en mi ser, muy dentro
Hermoso diseño.Felicidades
thanks for great description @brismar
Your digital image shows that the forest is one place that must be protected together. because it is very beneficial for humans and animals. because with the existence of forests, the climate can be regular and can bring rain, also protect soil fertility, and prevent floods and landslides and many other benefits. this is just my description of the digital image that you display.
I want to give a little information and want to tell you a little. currently we in Indonesia are experiencing a forest fire disaster in the new week. This is the largest fire that ever occurred in Indonesia, 328 thousand hectares of land burned. and the smoke from this fire has spread throughout Indonesia. many children and parents are victims. they have difficulty breathing and many children die. please pray for us so that this problem can be resolved quickly.
Hi @aulia1993
It is sad to hear about such fires and that people and animals will be injured
I imagine a green island on the shore of a sandbank near the ocean. Birds nest in it, it seems very comfortable for them.
thank you @magnata
Beautiful painting of green mountains under the sky.
you're the best @xpilar
thank you @canon12