Yesterday’s sculpting - a mysterious creature has appeared!

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was a fun day full of meetings. I was hanging out at @caffetto as per usual and sculpting while my other half was drawing, then two of our fellow Magic players (Zachary & Nick) showed up unexpectedly. I was focused on sculpting so I let everyone else enjoy.

Later in the evening @lovejoy swung by with @robrigo (who I’ve heard of but now finally got to meet) followed by our good friend @mada. It’s funny how my afternoon was filled with nerds talking about following the order of the ‘stack’ in MTG and then my evening ended with lots of crypto nerd talk. I freaking love it. I’m attracted to nerd talk, it’s my weakness! 😊

This little critter slowly took shape as I was listening to the others chat. @lovejoy said that this must be Yoda’s child if he made babies with another Star Wars character. I can’t recall the specific creature’s name. What does it look like to you? @tarotbyfergus suggested that I have this head poking out of a log. You could image how cute that would be?? 

So I got to thinking and I thought about how some might say that it’s rude of me to be working while others are engaged in a group conversation but our group of friends are so chill.. a few socially awkward (myself included) but I see that as a charm. Multitasking while listening in is the safe road that I travel since I’ve been known to hold a strong gaze.

This other creature was one that I had started yesterday morning. Originally I had planned on making it a rodent, which you can read about in my previous post by clicking ‘here’, but it ended up becoming some sort of reptile. Maybe even something that you’d find living in a river. 

Below are all of the creature heads I’ve sculpted so far. A joke I’ve shared with @kommienezuspadt, @tarotbyfergus, and @mada was that I’ve created such a vast collection of faces that I should be known as the ‘Many-Faced God.’ I of course laughed at the GOT reference and I got some pity laughs here and there. 

Thanks for stopping by to check out the creatures that I’ve been sculpting!

Since I’m a lover of lame ‘dad’ jokes. Please share your best one below! 🦊


If I had to guess, I’d say @lovejoy may have suggested a cross between Yoda & Admiral Ackbar... that’s what he looks like to me!


Hahahha! I could definitely see this!!

They are great! I would love to see you make bodies for them, maybe even articulated limbs, I have made a few dolls and puppets but I think I have given most of them away as gifts. I think yours would look fantastic with a little paint

I think I will paint them! Are there any paints that you’d recommend? I have some wire that I may use for building the body later.

No particular brand or anything. I usually use acrylic paint, like artist colours, I have also used miniature paints , but mainly because I had them.
My experience is that a medium (price) range, acrylic paint is good for stuff like these.
For dolls or puppets that are going to be handled (and for ease of cleaning) I would also give them a semigloss clear coat of some sort. Thats my 50 cent, Really its @katharsisdrill who is the paint expert.

They look great! I would like to sculpt one day :3

You should give it a try! It’s a lot of fun. :) I’m sure you’ll become addicted.

Nice sculpture maam @vermillion .. im your fans 😊😁

Thank you for looking at my work. :)

What did the shoes say to the pants?
'Sup Britches
hahaha my sweetheart uses that line on his gigs

Hahahahhahah! That’s a good one! Omgosh. I’m gonna have to tell everyone this joke at the next meetup at caffetto. XD

Omg lol I think it’s super silly too!😜

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