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RE: Took me 11 Days and now It's Complete and It's Beautiful :)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Congrats @GyaniBilli! It's so nice to see you finally completed the School of Athens puzzle! WOW this is magnificent! I'm not sure which one is Raphael's self portrait here though, let me make a wild guess... is it the man in the middle wearing blue and sitting on the stairs? :D

P.S. I have learned that this man is actually Diogenes. Raphael is the young man with a black cap standing among (and peeking through) the astronomers at the bottom right of this painting, kinda cut off from your photos though. This painting has so many interesting figures!


Thanks a lot @thisjourney. Yes, you found the correct location of Raphael :)
It came out a bit cropped in the images I took.

This is a special painting indeed. Surprisingly, just in the past few days after completing this, I came across two videos. These were completely unrelated to art but somehow the hosts mentioned and showed this very painting while explaining the link to their subjects.

One video was a Ted talk on virtual reality and other was on consciousness on gaia! Still figuring out what the universe wants to tell me :)

oh my god! That's synchronicity! You are creating your reality! :D use this power wisely!!!

Thanks @thisjourney for giving a clear direction to these repetitive occurrences. I will now make a conscious effort to use this power wisely :)

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