in #art6 years ago

Sometimes I am just noodling around - at the time I thought I had not done much with dip pen lately - and while I am doing this, I could not get that song out of my head I SCREAM YOU SCREAM WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM ...... and no, I was not born when this one came out 🙄

Eye-Scream Cherubim 001 - web 1600.jpg

dip pen, ink wash and white highlights on paper - size A4 - 2014

for all images: right click and select 'open in new tab' to view larger size

When I say "noodling around", that means I have no specific concept in my head (particularly not when this song is playing loud in my head). So I just start drawing, then washing with the ink ...... drawing some more, then eventually picking out highlights with white ink.

A few progress shots:

misc 006-1600web.jpg

misc 007-1600web.jpg

misc 008-1600web.jpg


Note: I am an Austrian Artist living in Vienna
I post many of my blogs under the tag #steemit-austria


Really eyes catching art

glad it caught your eye - thank you!

This picture is based on the art of Maya civilization?

Thanks - while I am familiar with the Maya I must say it never (consciously) entered my mind. The influences of various mythologies and religions I had studied in the past may have something to do with what I draw, but mostly I let chance guide my hand. There are times however when I deliberately set out on a theme, but that does happen only occasionally (in which case the titles and descriptions would point that out).

How come that it is easier to paint gargoyles than angels?

Maybe because the angels are modest and all look alike while the gargoyles want to show off their costumes and guide hands to be painted.

thanks, and yes, I love to paint Cherubims (which are not at all like the little Rococo chubby baby angels), my influence in this regard is my late friend Ernst Fuchs, for a time before his passing was my studio neighbor at the Palais Palffy in Vienna. He had painted a series of these long before I ever picked up a brush. Well, technically, in heavenly hierarchy Cherubims rank far above angels - they are not gargoyles, but rank in the first sphere, just below Seraphims

OK, sorry if I offended with my ignorance some type of supernatural being :) Thank you for sharing.

No offense - I do appreciate comments and discussions such as these. What first stirred my interest already when I was just a boy browsing my grandfathers library was Revelation and also Ezekiel, where you would find descriptions that, in my mind, are well beyond what I seen depicted in art, until I seen the paintings by Ernst Fuchs. But even so, I do not follow the literal to a tee - perhaps I am the only one that does not see Lovecraft's Cthulhu (a hyper-dimensional monster) like an Octopus, but that is another chapter: Cthulhu Monuments.

thank you for your comment - Cherubims are not gargoyles - I explained that in the other comment on this tread.

very nice image You are a great artist

thank you very much - I try to be good, and with every new piece I tell myself I can do better .... because once you believe what others might say about you, then you stagnate.
If you are so inclined, please check out this Letter to Natalie on my website, it explains much about myself.

yes you can do better

WOW. my dear friend as in mythological epics. you emerge as a strong character.
I am always a fan of success. congratulations

Thank you - I am surprised at the responses I get - it is encouraging - working on a much more involved piece, but it is under wraps until finished - then I will post it with lots of steps .....

love this one!

thanks Romanie - maybe I should "noodle around" more. It did not take long, as far as I remember. No plotting, no thinking, just doodle away ........ guess those are the "things" that want to be created ...... and they are looking for the moment while I am distracted to guide my hand .... idk

That is exactly the kind of art I love, flowing.

You made such an amazing job! Loved how you made the linework. I understand this noodling around drawing situation, I'm usually being a translator of the will of my pens and markers because some of my pieces kind of create themselves on the way. Thank you so much for sharing! 💜

Thank you - I try not to interfere when my hand is guided .....

By the way, the song is catchy as hell XD can totally understand you now about not being able to stop thinking about it.

haha - I actually heard this version for the first time, but did know many others - seems like everyone and his dog covered that song!

Nice brown tones to your ink @thermoplastic

thanks - I can't remember which I used - sometimes I also alter the color by adding pure pigments

Hi Otto, you summoned me by screaming for ice cream. What is thy bidding?

I love ice cream ..... and I see you got some - yummmmmmmmm

Crazy one!
I like that
Complexity and style in one!
Steem on

thank you! stay tuned, I am working on something that is much more involved - but it may take a while yet!

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