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RE: Running out of streets

in #art6 years ago

Well, welcome to the life of philosophy were you serendiptiously consume a great mass of philosophical works... but then don't stop to smell the roses, which is the second half of the philosophical work which is always imprinted upon the reader. Otherwise, philosophical studies are very good for one's soul and teaching ourselves how to die. As to quote some Roman, probably some great person named Cicero - but who knows :p

Ah, the quote-bombers of philosophy - very good at missing the context as well, especially when it goes unexplained. But that's actually very cute of the younglings, should've taught them the Universe of philosophy - that's what I would've done to give them something to mull over. But who knows, maybe they are just mere phantasia and not there; maybe I don't exist but everyone else does. But I shouldn't go making predicates out of assumptions, before Pyrrho beats me with his uppercase S Skepticism stick. (Funnily enough I hadn't lost friends, probably because I cared not to quote-bomb and I studied philosophy very early on.)

Now let's move past the obscenity, which might bare a semblance of mattering being predicated at the beginning of the post, to the post proper itself and make crass comments in-and-for-itself. So I like the story aspect of this post a lot actually, reminding me of Continentals and how they often wrote fictional works or used stories to sometimes just carry the text along. Of course, the main issue is based upon the ambibuity of two assumptions both conflicting on threat or ponderous curiousity. Yet with the wishy-washiness of "real/material-life" here, we will always get the same output of finding out the troublemaker. Ah! Jouissance to my mind! I see the intro blurb makes its appearance seen here, a Chekhov's gun blasting to the side of my ear now. But then it gets so cute between you two, just <<<<3333!!!!~
Ah, well I am glad I have yet to experience that as I am technically city hopping like crazy and do like my walks whenever I can fit them in without any a trouble. But then that "Other" scenario coming straight from the small tack of experiencing all streets known in the city, very scary~

Memory sensation time!~ But in less seriousness: this is a very mature thing to be posting on the Internet of all possible places and I gotta say one thing: enjoy the lil' breakes in between and catch some air while your at it. Especially being so deep into the cave you have to face!
Well, you really went far into this to the point of returning so late back home. Also love the philosophy question of death and the non-reality of those imagined score cards. But that's sad, real sad that they were really empty - thus giving weight to the metaphor of the narrator's feelings at that point.

Las fotos / Picturas (The photos / Pictures): Now I must say that I really loved the capturing of fotos/picturas (photos/pictures) here. From the crisp and clear details all being sharp. To the others having variety and others just capturing the general feeling. Of course there's a lot of fotos and I approve of the fotos -to-text ration in those a whole lot more than I realized. Anywho, congratulations on that @curie upvote now!!!!~

So keep on philosophizing, keep on blogging and happy steeming!~


Thanks, man.

Thanks for thanking the person right next to me that is indeed a man. As for myself, I’m just a gelatinous creature blobbing around.

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