
Excellent! I wish I could tune in but I'm helping my cousin move at that exact time :( is there a way to listen to previous talks? Thanks again, I hope to do even more. One of the things I want to do is involve the steemit community somehow. Just today a fellow steemian asked me to incorporate her into some future art, so she will be sending me some photos - so maybe that could be a talking point: that I want to collaborate with other steemians :)

Oh no worries, this is just when we are able to get together to do the recording itself. We've got our archives in various places including iTunes, Google Play and Soundcloud. You should see us post this episode on the @steemittalk steemit account probably on Monday.

That's awesome on working the other user into future art. Have you seen @everlove's account on here? I remember seeing her do a ton of collaborative projects.

OK, thanks for the info! Yes I recently came across her project and entered this last one, looking forward to the next one's she does as well.

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