
The hardest thing would be getting compensation for your ideas. Could I just go to a tech company and say I have a billion dollar idea. I will give you all the blueprints and designs, but I want 3% of your tokens.

If you're so passionate about this idea, how about you start learning to code yourself. Make a prototype and you'll have a higher chance of this happening. You won't get far as the "idea guy", sorry.

The best thing Steem could do is build a new system and invite all it's old users to join. Maybe somehow do it without destroying SBD, so people don't lose their money. If I gave my ideas out to Steem, the idiots wouldn't know what to do with it. If this place was so great, they wouldn't still be in their BETA phase. They would have corporate advertisement, and an online store to boost the SBD value, and give it way more utility.

What do you do for a living, if I may ask?

There is not enough disposable income to keep Steem on top. They can keep their Ponzi Scheme going, but when the minnows get fed up and leave, the whales aren't going to have that much food. @Beniesanders is right, they will all be bag holders.

If I get treated well, I'll take care of Steem, and will all make money. If not, i'll go to a competitor, and they're will be a lot of bag holders.

So you're kinda threatening the people of Steem.

I take it as a compliment, that your starting to get a little nervous. Probably because I woke you up a bit. That's just the ways business works. Everybody has the right to competition. It's perfectly legal. If they want to take me seriously, they know where to reach me. I have an idea to get the users on the platform to build the new system, the tokens gets acquired, and everything goes up. I would rather work with people, but it's their choice.

Oh, no don't worry, I'm completely awake. I don't see how you could think that would make me nervous.

Have you even contacted anyone about your amazingly amazing idea?

If you want find me some powerful people here, and will all talk. I have ideas to turn this into a multi billion dollar company.

Sorry, I'm not the one with the billion dollar idea.

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