Standing Up To Rogue Cheetah Bot's - 0.10 SBD each, for the first 10 Useful Comments

in #art6 years ago (edited)


The Cheetah bot is a lazy mans excuse to gain followers. While I think a plagiarism bot is a good idea, Cheetah does't offer a link for redress. We don't know what humans are involved to validate any claims. Some people disclaim their reposts, and they still get hit. Cheetah doesn't provide a "for more information" link in his comments, so many new users on Steemit, don't get opportunity to understand the meaning behind his comments. This must be considered an "abuse of power".

While running bots can be ok, lying to Steemers to gain upvotes isn't. There is a clear record of you saying "I just upvoted you!", when you haven't. It's unacceptable to expect up votes for yourself, when you start off with a lie. This is willful deception. This is why it's time to start flagging Cheetah Bot.

Steemit must have due process for anyone accused of plagiarism, and this Cheetah Bot is just an automatic system that has screwed innocent people over.


So here's the contest. What regulations should be put on Cheetah Bot, so he's not taking advantage of the community, and Steemit users can be guaranteed a due process?

The first 10 useful comments, will receive 0.10 SBD each. Anyone who resteems the post, will have a chance to receive 50% of the rewards from this post. Lets send the person behind Cheetah Bot a message.

I will give the prizes out on March the 7th.


@cheetah started off in a better note but has since derailed by commenting on peoples work and even claiming plagiarism. More so, most posts done by folks who cited properly were also mentioned in cheetahs comments. The idea behind cheetah is germane but the current work it is doing is worrysome as such it seems the speed of cheetah as reminiscent to the real cheetah being the fastest animal is causing it to outrun its usefullnnes.... time to tell cheetah to slow down a little and do a better work for the community. upped

It would help if there was a way to direct message since comments aren't getting its attention. Something that the person behind the bot would have to answer. It would be good for appeals.

I appreciate the reply, and I've sent you 0.10 SBD. I think everyone is afraid to speak up, because they are worried that some whale is going to flag them. I'm beyond that point now. I don't like the hypocrisy. They're preying on peoples ignorance to make a buck. The Steem organization, should be only ones allowed to post warning messages on content that could be considered plagiarism. Why is a private citizen allowed to take on that role? There is a conflict of interest. I don't appreciate the collusion taking place with other accounts, so people can make a buck. People's time, energy, and money is a state. They have the right to protect their reputation. The official Steemit account is estimated to be worth $85 million, yet they don't want to spend the resources on proper moderation? This site is still in it's Beta phase. We're putting out money into the platform, and we should demand proper discourse in return. They need to fix their situation with bots, because it's corrupting the platform.

I just got dinged by the shittah on my latest post. But the bot did indeed upvote.

I'm getting sick of this. Checked out his comments, and we wasn't even giving other people upvotes. Anyways I send you the 0.10 SBD early. I'm reaching out to others that got hit. Hopefully they will make a comment.

Yah 1 cent upvotes. I'm not even that desperate.

hahaha, exactly, pick your battles. Now there's a new bot whose lot in life is to run around steemit and upvote any Cheetah post that gets flagged.

really? @texagonia this sounds interesting if a bot upvotes flagged posts from chetah. steemit sure is very interesting community. come to think of it though, cheetah has grown to 73 rep meaning its raking in some good sbd and steem for the work. guess its good business here creating bots and counting your profits ;)

They got to address the income inequality, and get rid of bots. I sent you the 0.10. Be sure and follow.

@cheetah comments on the posts informing that it might be plagiarism, though it doesn't explicitly say that it is. It's only stating a fact, that there is similar or identical content somewhere else. @steemcleaners later goes through the cheetah comments to confirm if it's plagiarism, and if it is, they might flag you.

Thanks for commenting. I sent you the 0.10. Cheetah wasn't giving some users upvotes, claiming it had. The problem is other users misunderstand, and consider it plagiarism. Shouldn't there be an option for authors to inform cheetah of they're own content, and get off the list? Cheetah doesn't prove a more information link, so it's kind of deceptive.

Thanks for the SBD! The users that don't know of it are most likely new users that won't be able to do any harm. If you go to cheetah's profile there is a link to its FAQ. You should read it so that you better understand how it works.

As I can see from your wallet you're getting paid from steemcleaners and have received delegation. How is this not a conflict of interest? Cheetah lied about giving me an upvote, but got rewarded. I then have a confused user tell me i'm in violation. Plagiarism detection should be the responsibility of the company. Cheetahs comments are too vague for the average person to understand. One user should not have the authority to run bot affecting the entire platform. I hope the Steem community comes to their senses and shuts it down.

I haven't gotten a delegation, that is a delegation from me to @submarine, a plagiarism hunter that I support.

You can report plagiarism (and identity fraud, copy-paste etc) to steemcleaners and you get a reward doing it, which is why I got that. If you look at the @steemcleaners transfers you'll see it sends a lot of SP to users every week---to all of the people who report to them. I am in no way affiliated with them, I am only trying to help get rid of plagiarism.

Because this platform is decentralized---there are no admins that can just delete things, it's up to every user to keep an eye out for that stuff.

Do you not understand how much more shit there'd be on this platform if it wasn't for people like cheetah and steemcleaners?

I'm already working on a project to replace Steem. I took a year to write a 22 page whitepaper. I'm just waiting for the right company to pitch it too. If I released the information now, Steem would be destroyed by a new competitor. If they want to negotiate, they know where to contact me. I could make this platform 10 times bigger, but they would have to create a brand new a new version of Steem, help the minnows, and get rid of the corruption.

You make a difficult task sound so easy. I'm looking forward to seeing this competitor to Steem you're talking about.

Good luck.

The hardest thing would be getting compensation for your ideas. Could I just go to a tech company and say I have a billion dollar idea. I will give you all the blueprints and designs, but I want 3% of your tokens.

HAHAHA you're funny. You've demonstrated a clear lack of understanding of how this blockchain works, how you would ever develop a blockchain and platform to even equal STEEM with your current level of comprehension is truly mission impossible.... have fun while you play though.

HAHAHA you're funny. You've demonstrated a clear lack of understanding of how this blockchain works, how you would ever develop a blockchain and platform to even equal STEEM with your current level of comprehension is truly mission impossible.... have fun while you play though.

Of course i'm an idiot. First of all I wouldn't go with blockchain. It's way to slow, and uses way to much energy. Ethereum is 20 transactions per second, where Hashgraph could be 250 000 translations per second. I would want to be on a hybrid system where multiple hashgraphs or whatever replaces blockchain are linked together. You would have separate hashgraph plugins. Unlike blockchain you could full customize the new system. I would have the new system self-evolved with the creativity of the users. I would have decentralized research and development, on the platform, so it's always upgrading and building better versions of itself.

I don't have the sightliest chance of doing things on my own. You put ideas into the right hands, and you get people way smarter than you build the system. If I gave my idea to a large tech company, they would have the resources to be a competitor.

Your account is worth $230 and you been here for 9 months. Why are you so thrilled with Steem? How much time and energy have you put into this site? I don't claim to know everything, but i'm smart enough to know that Steem isn't going to the biggest thing. The only ones getting rich here are the whales and the bots. Whatever replaces Steem, you should be excited for, because for 9 months work, you will have more money. Why don't you at least share some ideas about how you want Steem to improve?

This entire platform should put all their ideas together to make a new version of Steem. What I have in mind would probably destroy Facebook, but I would need 100's if not 1000's of people to work with me. If I give out my ideas I own at 3% of the new tokens.

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