Hades-"Dios de los Infiernos"- Dibujo | Hades- "God of the Hells" - Drawing.

in #art5 years ago



Hades era el hermano mas joven de Zeus, por eso, al repartirse el mundo, le correspondio la parte mas oscura y triste; el mundo subterraneo de los infiernos, lugar oscuro y funesto habitado por sombras. Hades tenia un caracter despiadado y feroz, igual que el vigilante de la puerta del infierno; un perro de tres cabezas y cola de dragon llamado Cancerbero, que impedia a los vivos entrar y no dejaba salir a los muertos. Sin embargo, esta regla tuvo algunas excepciones.Algunos heroes, como Heracles y diseo, bajaron a los infiernos y consiguieron salir de alli. Tambien lo hizo Orfeo, un poeta y musico casado con la bella ninfa Euridice. Para desconsuelo de Orfeo un dia Euridice murio, pero el descendio a los infiernos para pedir que regresara viva. Sus poesias y canciones eran tan hermosas, que incluso Hades se conmovio y dejo que se llevara a Euridice con la condicion que no volviera la cabeza para mirar ni una sola vez hasta haber salido del infierno. Orfeo no pudo resistir la curiosidad y volvio la vista, con que perdio a su amada, para siempre.

Hades was the youngest brother of Zeus, that's why, when the world was divided, the darkest and saddest part corresponded to him; the underground world of the underworld, a dark and dismal place inhabited by shadows. Hades had a ruthless and ferocious character, just like the guard at the door of hell; a dog with three heads and a dragon tail named Cerberus, which prevented the living from entering and did not let the dead out. However, this rule had some exceptions. Some heroes, such as Heracles and design, descended into the underworld and managed to get out of there. So did Orpheus, a poet and musician married to the beautiful nymph Euridice. To the sorrow of Orpheus, one day Eurydice died, but he descended into hell to ask her to return alive. His poetry and songs were so beautiful, that even Hades was moved and let him take Eurydice with the condition that he did not turn his head to look even once until he had left hell. Orpheus could not resist the curiosity and returned the sight, with which he lost his beloved, forever.

Aunque no existia plegaria que le aplacara, Hades no era un dios maligno. Su version romana, Pluton (El rico) era mas benigna porque se consideraba que el era el que proporcioanaba las riquezas del mundo. En los infiernos se juzgaba la vida de los que habia muertoy en funcion de ella se dictaba su destino: El Eliseo para las almas buenas o el Tartaro para las malas.

Although there was no prayer to placate him, Hades was not a malignant god. His Roman version, Pluton (The Rich One) was more benign because it was considered that he was the one who provided the riches of the world. In the hells the life of those who had died was judged and according to it their destiny was dictated: The Eliseo for the good souls or the Tartarus for the bad ones.

Proceso(Cabeza) | Process(Head)


Estuve aproximadamente dos horas y medio y fue lo primero que empece. Ya que tenia muchos detalles las barba me tome el tiempo de separarla por fragmentos, y asi fue. Los rasgos de la cara que reflejan enojo y dureza fueron un poco mas rapido dividiendolos.

I was about two and a half hours and it was the first thing I started. Since I had many details the beard I took the time to separate it by fragments, and so it was. The features of the face that reflect anger and hardness were a little faster dividing them.

Cuerpo | Body


El torso fue separado por sombras y contrastes, primero use uno HB para hacer las sombras claras, y luego con mi 6B fui oscureciendo poco a poco los musculos, midiendo el tamaño de las sombras y respetando los blancos.

The torso was separated by shadows and contrasts, first I used a HB to make the shadows clear, and then with my 6B I gradually darkened the muscles, measuring the size of the shadows and respecting the targets.

Brazo | Arm


Cada pequeño musculo de ese brazo fue realmente un reto, no estoy acostumbrada a dibujar demasiados detalles, y este en particular fue algo grande, pero genial, porque estoy mejorando mi anatomia y sobreado y wooow, estoy muy muy feliz.

Every little muscle of that arm was really a challenge, I'm not used to drawing too many details, and this particular was something big, but great, because I'm improving my anatomy and over wooow, I'm very very happy.

Resultado Final | Final score.



Bueno. Espero que le haya gustado este dibujo!

Good. I hope you liked this drawing!


Wow, beautiful! So much realitics details, it looks like a sculpture more than a drawing, nice!

thanks <3 !


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Qué hermoso dibujo, los detalles que nos muestras son tan precisos qué parece una fotografía y no un dibujo, si lo ves desde una cierta distancia. Me ha impresionado mucho, cada parte de tu muestra y la forma en cómo nos lo has presentado. Eres una artista fantástica.

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Beautiful work @stevaniaveliz. It looks like a statue constructed on paper. Very nice detail.

You were featured in week 63 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @soulkanzart. @pifc is a Pay It Forward Community which believes in by helping others grow we build a stronger community. We run this contest each week, it is open to everyone. It's a great way to show off people you find that might need some more exposure, meet new people, and possibly win some SBI for you and your features.


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Wow, what a great portrait of the God of the Underworld, @stefaniaveliz ! You captured his intensity and his awe-inspiring presence well with this picture ! I love the step by step presentation and also I love the text you included with this post to introduce us to Hades himself :D

Really love shading work and I also like how you define his muscles and facial features and hair * ___ *

Wonderful picture <3

I try to keep improving, not everything is chronic of blackout hahaha

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