Next pages of my graphic novel, where Lisa comes to an important decision.
...but first a look at the previous page, where part of her tries to convince the rest of her to give up:

Page 69:

Page 70:

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Thank you!
My daughter is standing next to me and saying 'she likes it', that's enough for me. I will need to go back to get the gist of your story though.
Thank you and thank her! :)
Really become addicted to your comics ! I feel something I lack if I do not see pages today! We missed your creativity today, friend
Thanks! sorry I was a little tired after work and gym... :)
Love especially those shiny parts you do on the bodies.
Thanks again for the share -)
ah specular highlights! yes to me they are very important, they are like brushstrokes of light
they show the shape of an object very well. :)
All this wonderful work and the last thank you for watching !! but we are to thank you very much!
She needs cryptocurrency! haha 😎
lol if I'd have known about it back when I made this I would have given her an EOS t-shirt or something :)
But that's an interesting thought. Perhaps an AI could hack an exchange quite easily...
Interesting path that you're taking the story. I like it. What will she do next? The suspense is killing me.
The comic is amazing.The speeches of the comic are increadible
I am beginning to enjoy your graphic novel, thanks.
thank you!
Naked on the streets of Hong Kong - it's impossible to imagine. The whole of China would have gathered))))
haha maybe, though sometimes some parts can be empty