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RE: Unrestful Dead - Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea Art

in #art8 years ago

As an rpg hobbyist - thanks for posting this! Fun exciting art! I thoroughly enjoyed the kickstarter video. How does this game stand apart from the traditional Conan tabletop rpg? I'm new to Steemit, so I haven't found the rpg community yet. (I run LARP summer camps for kids in Colorado)


Spark, thanks for the kind words! AS&SH uses the first edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules as it's engine. The setting is very extensively detailed and is a lost world setting that is heavily influenced by the likes of RE Howard, HP Lovecraft, Michale Moorcock, Fritz Lieber, etc. So it will be similar to Conan plus elements of the other writers as well. Good to have a fellow RPG gamer. I hope you drop by again!

very cool! I grew up on 1st edition. Though it's not my favorite to play at this time. I'm following you, and look forward to more rpg work from you!

Great! Likewise followed!

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