in #art6 years ago

This post is not for professional artists, it's for munters who say things like "I wish I could post my art on Steemit".

OK here is an example of the sort of thing I do. I vary this process depending on what sort of picture it is, but this is a nice basic example.

First I draw something. In this case I used a pen and paper, but I could also draw on my tablet. The catch with the tablet is that a plastic tip pen on glass is very smooth and for drawing I prefer the more tactile feel of old school paper.

I'm not one of those people who think "I'm going to draw a picture of a freak with a head like a TV arial hanging out with a fish". I just start drawing and have no idea what I'm drawing until it's finished.

For this process it really doesn't matter much, so just draw some freaky crap and make sure you don't bore your pants off.

You can get it onto your tablet by taking a photo of it. Once it's on the tablet throwing a few buckets of colour on can spice things up. I use Artflow for paint bucketing.

Now the fun part - filters - my favourite app is GoArt which is great with art. It has about 50 filters. For a picture with bugger all in it like this one, first I want to get some texture. At this stage I don't care about overall colour because I'll get on to that later.

Next I might swap to Deep Art Effects and use a different filter. And then go back to GoArt for a third filter. At some point I usually say "yeah cool" and stop.

Finally I open the picture in Snapseed (basically the tablet version of Photoshop) to crop it, increase the contrast and colour, and frame it.

The total cost of all this software is only about $20 - Snapseed is free, GoArt is about $8 with a few extras, Deep Art Effects is about $6 and ArtFlow is also about $6.

I use a Samsung Galaxy tablet but if you can cope with a small screen a phone could work.

So no excuses munters - get your shit on Steemit! This platform is too dominated by geeks who like to type - lets have a visual revolution.




Satan looks as if he's sulking - and being made fun of by the smiling profile beyond. Curious if you made this up on the spot or had it ready!? Love your mashups :D ...also, notice how your upvote is worth 6 + 6 + 6? 😱

I did this a while back with those colour pencils that you put water on afterwards - took ages, I don't usually colour stuff in by hand!

I'm a lot faster with a filter :) - 6.66 upvotes are great - I'd also like a 66.60 one!

LOL, chance and timing rqd to capture the triple-6 moment, and/or perhaps maths and synchronicity!

Hmmm, looks like I've been privileged with a masterpiece, thanks @sift666 :D

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I use a Samsung Galaxy tablet in the shithouse but if you can cope with a small screen a phone could work.



Too hard... There's like, steps and stuff to do it. < sarcasm

Almost all the things people wish they could do, usually if they tried doing them 1000 times, they'd be able to do.

Damn - I was going for start here even I can do it!

My guess is most people who think they can't do art would have given up at the "first, draw something"

If they're can't even do the first step, why would they say they wish they could post art? That perplexes me. I don't think I can draw to save myself, but even I can give the first step a go. In fact, I've promised I will...
EDIT - I just did it. It's crap, but that's ok. Look out for a post about my art lesson ;-)

I tried to teach a couple of young ladies how to draw Mandalas once, but they wouldn't even make the dot in the middle. They were so worried about not getting it in the center, they never even started. I recently taught a group of 5 year olds how to draw Mandalas - every single one made a dot within seconds lol

And here I am, all this time, like an asshole, doing everything freehand. One of my secrets is the mirror tool. I can paint two sides of the digital canvas at once, so it helps with making faces. The main program I use is actually free and opensource. I don't think it would run on your device though.

I have apps with mirror tools too.
I often wonder what your pictures would look like if you threw some filters at them!

A long, long time ago I did a post asking if digital art was cheating. I wanted opinions from physical artists. I was often left wondering why many of them wouldn't even stop by my posts. One opinion stuck with me. It was something like, "We don't know if you're doing this work of if a filter is making the art." So I've avoided using filters. I just put colors down and pull it around like a paintbrush. I got my trusty virtual spraypaint airtool as well. If I needed to darken an area I can just go over it with a thin spray of black, things like that. There's probably a button out there to push and that would give me the same effect, but I think I have more fun just messing around.

I think the idea that you have to "do the work manually" to be an artist is a bit old school. To me, part of what makes it art is having the eye to know "yes, that works" or "no, that one doesn't". We had a NZ artist called Colin McCahon who is very highly regarded, but I think his stuff is crap, despite being done on canvas with paint and brush. What do you think?
So all that proves is that everybody has a different opinion. If it look s good, you want to hang it on your wall, you spend ages looking at all the hidden bits in it (eg yours), it makes you think about something - any of those make it art.

I agree. My usual response to anyone thinking digital art is somehow cheating is typically something like, "Did you feel like you were cheating when you wrote that comment without a pen?"

I like some of these special effects we have now. The only thing that ever bothers me is when someone takes a photograph, applies a filter, then presents it in their blog post as if they did it by hand. There's no need to be dishonest. If you make something look cool, it looks cool. Simple. There's a place for all artforms. Altering photographs takes skill and a good eye, like anything else.

Deb's comment got me looking at some McCahon - what do you think of this picture?

I think it is so ghastly that I'm planning to see if I can improve it.

And selling it for vast amounts of money is cheating too in way, but if you can, why not?

Selling at auction for $1.35m, The Canoe Tainui broke the record as the most expensive piece of art sold in New Zealand.

That's not really my style. Don't worry though. If these folks ever realize the true potential of this platform, we'll be making millions from our artistic endeavors as well.

Maybe I could sell this version for half a mill?

sift toilet.jpg

All that work, then I have my assistant make copies and sell for thousands.

_Cl8rGS4ZkYtcsaSaKge0DsNTIGmniHW4VaVR9wNnIw.jpgIt pays to keep the office warm.

Very unique style!

This is such a cool stuff thanks a lot for sharing.

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