Inktober Day 27 COAT [Reflexion]

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Últimamente me he preguntado porque muchas veces las personas menos indicadas son las que tienen el poder de tomar las decisiones más importantes como: dirigir un grupo, un equipo de trabajo, un proyecto o incluso un país y afectar de manera negativa a la mayoría de personas sin pensar en las consecuencias, ya saben, o que tienen demaciada atención y no muchas veces aportan algo que sea "valioso y digno, o que debería importar a la sociedad", por poner unos ejemplos. Bueno es algo que vemos muy a menudo tambien en lugares como Facebook, YouTube, etc. Sucede que se viralizan cosas muy efímeras y la mayor parte del tiempo absurdas y la atención suficiente no llega a donde debería como: el estudiante que ganó un concurso de matemáticas, la deforestacion de una selva, o un premio novel de química, el esfuerzo en general etc.

Por otro lado, Todos conocemos a un gobernante o compañero de trabajo, o al gefe de alguien, que no necesariamente es el más apto para el puesto, pero que por circunstancias de la vida ahí está, tomando decisiones incorrectas. ¿Entienden mi punto? Por mucho tiempo pase frustrandome por estas situaciones, viendo como mi vida era afectada indirectamente o mirando como el nihilismo crece cada día más en nuestra sociedad en gran medida por el exceso de informacion vacía en Internet.

¿Porque las personas correctas no están tomando las mejores decisiones para el beneficio de la mayoría? Respuesta rápida, porque las personas correctas están arreglando las cosas que hicieron mal las personas incorrectas. Eso es, solo eso, no creo que lo podemos cambiar las cosas, no es por ser pesimista, pero es parte de nuestra condicion humana imperfecta, tendemos a dejar que otros decidan por nosotros o a darle importancia a cosas que no deberían tenerla, sin pensar en las concecuencias. Hace un tiempo conversando con @yangyanje hablábamos de cómo comunidades como steemit empujan a la gente a ser más creativos y eso ayuda, aunque creo también que toda voz merece ser escuchada. Lo que ahora conocemos como Internet, sigue siendo demaciada imperfecto, nuestros líderes seguirán siendo humanos, es decir, imperfectos.

No podemos arreglarlo todo, pero si podemos aportar nuestro granito de arena para llegar a esa sociedad modelo que deceamos. Como dice @yangyanje sigamos construyendo esa nueva capa que funciona sobre Internet, esa que amplifica las cosas positivas, creo que es un primer paso que tenemos que dar. Por supuesto es solo mi opinión.

Les envío un saludo.

Lately I have wondered why many times the least indicated people have the power to make the most important decisions such as: lead a group, a work team, a project or even a country and negatively affect the majority of people without thinking about the consequences, you know, or that they have too much attention and not many times they bring something that is "valuable and worthy, or that should matter to society" , to give some examples. Well it is something that we see very often also in places like Facebook, YouTube, etc. It happens that very ephemeral things are viralized and most of the time absurd and enough attention does not reach where it should be: the student who won a math contest, the deforestation of a jungle, or a novel prize in chemistry, the effort in general etc.

On the other hand, we all know a ruler or co-worker, or someone's boss, who is not necessarily the most suitable for the job, but who, due to life's circumstances, is there, making incorrect decisions. Do you understand my point? For a long time I was frustrated by these situations, seeing my life was indirectly affected or watching as nihilism grows increasingly in our society to a large extent due to the excess of empty information on the Internet.

Why are the right people not making the best decisions for the benefit of the majority? Quick response, because the right people are fixing the things that the wrong people did wrong. That's it, just that, I do not think we can change things, it is not because it is pessimistic, but it is part of our imperfect human condition, we tend to let others decide for us or give importance to things that should not have it, without thinking in the consequences. Some time ago talking with @yangyanje we talked about how communities like steemit push people to be more creative and that helps, although I also believe that every voice deserves to be heard. What we now know as the Internet, remains too imperfect, our leaders will remain human, that is, imperfect.

We cannot fix everything, but we can contribute our grain of sand to reach that model society that we want. As @yangyanje says let's continue building that new layer that works on the Internet, that which amplifies the positive things, I think it is a first step that we have to take. Of course it's just my opinion.


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@shimozurdo. Thanks for the mention! You hit those portraits right. Clean work. Nice text too! A few days ago i listened to one if @exle's podcasts feat. @aggroed. It gave a lot of insights to what is currently happening but also what way steemit and it's communities took to get here, that sets us apart from other blockchains out there. Really the willingness and communal efforts to make this work for everyone to me is a remarkable incentive to believe in it more. At one point we all have to just make revenue for our economic experiment to work? My friend told me that his buddies grandmother, who is over 80 years old just got a steemit post. That really meant something to me 😂.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh great, I think it's never too late to learn, on the contrary I think we should evolve little by little, although sometimes that hurts, if you know what I mean 😏, change is difficult, but there comes a point in the life of each one that we have no choice but to adapt or swim against the current.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great drawing. The striking resemblance of these persons to Trump and Putin. Congratulations

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