
Really liking these pages, @seanbon :) How long does each one take you? I kinda sorta am thinking of wanting to make my own webcomic also but I kinda sorta am afraid of how much time/effort each page would take me XD;;;

Thank you :D !
Generally, a full page can take anywhere from 3 - 4 days, but that is mainly due to us passing it back and forth in between our current work/contract load [gotta pay the bills XD], which allows us to do an update per week.

Ideally, we'd like to do 2-3 pages per week, but that would be close to full time on the comic.

I recommend though that since you are a one man team, stick with methods that accelerate the pace: Black and white, accents and maybe a few flat colours.
When I did comics for fun by myself, I tended to stick to a simpler style eg.

TLDR; Focus on a method that is fun for you! If the process is too complicated or cumbersome, you'll lose motivation at a breakneck speed. Much like long distance running, pacing is key.

Great advice. I also have wanted to do a comic most of my life, but I cannot keep it simple. I can start out simple, and repeatedly tell myself to keep it that way, but the farther i go, the more every little aspect feels like it needs to be a masterpiece unto itself and i end up spending weeks on a simple landscape lol.

Thank you!
Don't worry, overcompensation is an incredibly virulent and effective form of procrastination. Much like you, I am all too familiar with it!

It's an ongoing struggle between 'Refining' over 'Shipping', and I can honestly say that I have wasted many years waiting for the 'perfect moment', revising constantly.

The biggest fear is that what we produce will never live up to what our imagination can create, so by not finishing, we can avoid the potential dissapointment.
I'm still struggling deeply with this concept, but I am slowly modifying my train of thought so that I can derive more pleasure from finishing, rather than perfecting.

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