Failure in art... AKA: HOLOZ0R Monster

in #art7 years ago (edited)



Sometimes you start an idea or project with the best intentions, and you end up with a mess...
This was my case for my @holoz0r monster I have been working on for a little while now.
As an artist, there are quite a few hurdles that can come your way when creating....
I think for me, most of the time, I have a vague fuzzy idea of what I want to do, but it is like a dream state. I can never truly grasp what I want, and it stays in that ethereal form for days/months/years or even forever.
However, the most frustrating of creative block is when in your head you have a crystal clear idea, but lack the execution/skill, or it just plain does not turn out the way you had it in your head, and you have no idea how to make it better...

@holoz0r I am sorry...
I failed you

Failure 1


  • I drew the sketch I wanted great...
  • Line work turned out good
  • Had a hard time figuring out what "objects" to place in his beard
  • Couldn't find the right blue
  • The blue I used died halfway thru coloring it, and then didnt mix with another...
  • The blue was too dark.
  • I hate this
  • Time to go digital I guess...


Failure 2


  • Again... line work turned out well...
  • Once I added color it all went to crap.
  • Blue was ok this time...
  • How do I make a black beard, and not make everything disappear???
  • I HATE GIMP 2.0


Anyways my point is... Its okay. I failed so what.

Calling all artists

They fail too
I promise.

I am scrapping this idea...
@holoz0r you WILL get another monster.



This post received a 2.62% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @gotmeens! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

I defy depiction! This is fantastic, even if you consider it a failure.

Hahaha what a rookie..... jk... i think if u changed the opacity of the beard you could still get that dark you were looking for but it will still bleed a little thru the objects kinda make them look like they were stuck in there.. or where the objects are you just go full black where they stick in... i think it's close, you just need to tweak it with a few color details and u got it man... i do love that epic beard.. wanna see him finished for sure!!

Ahhh, dude. Sorry to hear about your frustrations. Best of luck. I know you'll figure it out one way or another:):) Cheers!!

All the stuff in the beard chuckle

As a proud Mexican I appreciate that the beard looks like Mexico. The bottle placement.... might need reconsidering...

However, the most frustrating of creative block is when in your head you have a crystal clear idea, but lack the execution/skill, or it just plain does not turn out the way you had it in your head, and you have no idea how to make it better...

I can relate to that. I have some ideas based on which I want to make digital artworks, but I don't have skills to execute/make them look good, so the final results come out way uglier/not as I imagined. T . T

Very attention-grabbing and informative post shared followed . @saywha Wish you the best with all your future endeavors.

It lacks the beard eggs and cat hair but it has the feel of holoz0r :D

Try overlaying some dark gray and dark browns over the black to give the beard some beard

If you need a picture for reference, just look at his profile pic. :P

Although you may need to do some gray instead.

yes, yes, @erodedthoughts got it, @saywha is approaching the drawing with dark colors right away that leads to over using it, I usually have five tones of the color I m working into when I use markers, I usually start of with the middle color or the 2nd to the lightest tone. then goes dark, then adds color pencil lines over it.

this guy draws rougher than me LOL... around 10 times rougher LOL

but he uses tracing paper, and that is easier to work on, Ive been just using coupon bonds coz Im stingy, I dont even erase the pencils anymore.

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